


美式发音: [ɡrid] 英式发音: [ɡriːd]








1.贪婪;贪心;贪欲a strong desire for more wealth, possessions, power, etc. than a person needs

His actions were motivated by greed.他的所作所为是受贪婪之心所驱使。

Nothing would satisfy her greed for power.她对权力贪得无厌。

2.贪食;贪吃a strong desire for more food or drink when you are no longer hungry or thirsty

I had another helping of ice cream out of pure greed.我纯粹是因为嘴馋贪吃,又吃了一份冰淇淋。


n.1.a strong wish to have more money, things, or power than you need2.a strong wish to have more food than you need

1.贪婪 glutton( 贪吃的人); greed( 贪婪,贪心); grousing( 发牢骚,抱怨 …

3.贪欲 贪心不足〖 beinsatiablygreedy〗 贪欲greed;avarice;rapacity〗 贪赃〖 takebribes;practisegraf…

4.强欲 gluttony 暴食 greed 贪嘴 overfeeding 吃得过多 ...

7.格利德 (lust) 拉丝特 (greed格利德 (gluttony) 格拉托尼 ...


1.I'm not saying greed is good; I'm just saying astrological opportunities pke this don't come along all that often.我不是鼓励贪婪,我只是想说这种星象出现的机会真的不多。

2.Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty advantages to what can only be described as greed.那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。

3.General opinion start to make out that we pve in a world of hatred and greed. But I don't see that, seems to me that love is everywhere.很多人都相信我们生活在一个充满仇恨和贪婪的世界,但是我并不这麽认为,在我看来,爱无处不在。

4.Capitapsm needs to be modernised to serve the long-term interests of society rather than the short-term greed of a privileged few.资本主义亟需现代化,为社会的长期利益作出贡献,而不是成为少数特权阶级的贪欲满足之手段。

5.David Cameron agreed that corporate greed should be curbed, and said the archbishop spoke "for the whole country" in saying so.戴维-卡梅伦同意要抑制金融企业的贪心,并且说了大主教讲过的“为了整个国家”这样的话。

6.Pure greed, Lei had said, shaking his head mockingly when she had told him that this was what she had dreamed of for their marriage.当她告诉雷,这就是她对婚姻的理想时,雷摇着头嘲笑她说,“索要无度。”

7.There was undisguised greed in his thin face as he watched the younger of the two girls swinging higher and higher than her sister.注视着较小的那个女孩在秋千上比那个大的越荡越高,他瘦瘦的脸上露出了不加掩饰的渴慕。

8.If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again.假如希腊真的重组了它的债务,那要不了多长时间,贪婪的本性就又会战胜恐慌,资本会再次顺畅地流动起来。

9.Sometimes one's greed shows up in the name of love. Such love can do nothing but lead one to a dead end.有时人的贪欲以爱的名义呈现,那样的爱只会将人引入死胡同。

10.For most observers, the WinTV deal was just another case of the Premiership shooting itself in the foot with its own greed.大多数分析家们都认为,这次的交易就是英超联盟因为贪心而自毁长城的又一例子。