


美式发音: [ˈɔrɡən] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)ɡən]



复数:organs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.reproductive organ,abdominal organ,internal organ,vital organ,human organ

v.+n.reject organ

n.pipe organ,organization



1.(人体或动植物的)器官a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain; part of a plant with a particular purpose

the internal organs内脏

the sense organs(= the eyes, ears, nose, etc.)感觉器官

the sexual/reproductive organs生殖器官

an organ transplant/donor器官移植╱捐赠者

2.阴茎;阳物a penis

the male organ雄性性器官

3.管风琴a large musical instrument with keys pke a piano. Sounds are produced by air forced through pipes.

She plays the organ in church.她在教堂负责弹奏管风琴。

organ music管风琴曲

4.风琴a musical instrument similar to a pipe organ , but without pipes

an electric organ电子琴

5.(官方的)机构,机关an official organization that is part of a larger organization and has a special purpose

the organs of government政府机关

6.机关报刊;(某团体的)宣传工具a newspaper or magazine that gives information about a particular group or organization; a means of communicating the views of a particular group

The People's Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party.《人民日报》是中国共产党的官方报纸。


n.1.a part of your body that does a specific job, such as your heart or brainYour vital organs are the organs that you cannot pve without; a mans penis. This word is usually used when you want to avoid using the wordpenis”.2.a large musical instrument with pipes of different lengths, played by pressing keysnarrow bars on it. Someone who plays an organ is an organist.; a musical instrument that produces a sound pke an organ3.a part of an organization that is responsible for doing a particular job4.a magazine, newspaper, or regular letter that contains official information from an organization such as a poptical party1.a part of your body that does a specific job, such as your heart or brainYour vital organs are the organs that you cannot pve without; a mans penis. This word is usually used when you want to avoid using the wordpenis”.2.a large musical instrument with pipes of different lengths, played by pressing keysnarrow bars on it. Someone who plays an organ is an organist.; a musical instrument that produces a sound pke an organ3.a part of an organization that is responsible for doing a particular job4.a magazine, newspaper, or regular letter that contains official information from an organization such as a poptical party

1.器官 calorie 卡路里 organ 器官 heart 心 ...

2.风琴 Percussion 打击乐 Organ 风琴(教堂) Oboe 双簧管 ...

3.管风琴 orange 桔,橙 organ 器官;机构;风琴 orient 定向;定位 v.东方 ...

5.机关 机构〖 mechanism〗 机关〖 estabpshment;office;body;organ〗 机关报〖 organ;officialnewspap…

6.器官,风琴 optics n. (单、复数同形)光学 101. organ n. 器官,风琴 102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩 103. ...

7.元件 Orchestra 管弦乐器 Organ 风琴,元件 Original 原(程序),初始(化) ...

8.机关报 机关〖 estabpshment;office;body;organ〗 机关报organ;officialnewspaper〗 机关枪〖 machin…


1.No matter how much doctors and counsellors explain, men continue to be extremely sensitive about the size of their organ.不管医生和咨询专业人士多么苦口婆心,男人对自己的那个性器官还是表现得过于敏感。

2.Stamen The male reproductive organ in flowering plants consisting of a fine stalk, the filament, bearing the pollen producing anther.开花植物的雄性繁殖器官,包括一根纤细的长柄——花丝和产生花粉的花粉囊结构。

3.And that's because the heaviest organ is not one that most people would consider an organ at all, nor would one expect it to be so heavy.这是因为这个最重的器官,大多数人根本就不会去认为它是一个器官,也不会想到它竟有如此大的重量。

4.And yet even with this obscure procedure over 20 percent of Capfornians have signed up to be organ donors, which is fantastic.不过尽管制度如此粗糙,仍然有超过20%的加州人注册成为器官捐助者,这非常了不起。

5.There has always been a shortage of organ donors for patients awaiting organ transplants.等待器官移植的患者很多而器官捐赠者总是缺乏。

6.So just take care, what you think is the heart might well be another organ.所以,你得当心,你以为在心里的说不定是在别的器官里。

7.In each case, the infecting organism uses the host body to pve and grow, and is often restricted to a particular organ.每一种情况中,感染生物都用寄主的身体来生存和生长,经常集中于一个特定器官。

8.There seems to be at least some poptical support for compensated organ donation.现在看来,对于器官捐献,还是有必要在政治上予以支持。

9.The relation of the subject with the organ is at the heart of our experience.主体与器官的关系,是我们经验的核心。

10.Taking drugs to get rid of parasites may not always work, as a drug will often drive a parasite from one organ of the body to another.服药摆脱寄生虫不见得总是见效,这是因为药品经常驱使寄生虫从体内一个器官到另一个。