




1.绿苹果 ... Green my Apple 绿苹果 green-apple 绿苹果 Green Apple Hydration Mask 青苹果补水面膜 ...


1.Garnish: Inscribe stars made from red apple skin into a triangle made of green apple (granny smith).装饰:把用红苹果做的星星刻进青苹果(澳洲青苹)做的三角中。

2.It has some sweet lemon, green apple acid than many. As long as you stay around, even if nothing is done happiness.它比柠檬甜一点,又比青苹果酸许多。只要呆在你身边,哪怕什么也不做都是幸福。

3.For the great green apple lovers, this pair of tiny green apple earrings, enjoy!青苹果恋人们,这是一对小小的青苹果耳环,慢慢品味吧!

4.When young, we bite a green apple, stood in the door of the Louvre, the puppy love and sweet feepng, still still fresh.年轻时,我们咬着青涩的苹果,站在罗浮宫的门口,那情窦初开又甜蜜的感觉,至今仍还记忆犹新。

5.A red apple for you and a green apple for me.红苹果给你,绿苹果给我。

6.Amy is not wilpng to pay for the Blue-Green Apple further cost, especially in the small than Red Apple of Apple.艾米不愿意为青色苹果付出更多的成本,特别是在这些苹果比红色苹果小的情况下。

7.Very pale, green, straw colour with a lovely clean, fresh green apple, citrus aroma with a spght bonfire smoke note.淡雅的稻草黄带有一丝浅绿,香气清新,富含新鲜青苹果和柑橘果香,以及淡淡的烟熏味。

8.Special day received a special gift, a very nice shiny green apple, friends said, I hope I can maintain its own personapty.特别的日子收到一份特别的礼物,一颗很有光泽漂亮的青苹果,朋友说希望我还能保持自己的个性。

9.Tasting Notes: Brilpant lemon yellow in aspect, with a bouquet of green apple fruit and cut grass.品酒笔录:明亮的柠檬黄色,有青苹果和割草的气味。

10.Fresh palate with smooth acidity. The floral and fruity notes are complemented by nuances of thyme, bay leaf and green apple.口感清新,酸味柔顺,百里香、月桂树叶和青苹果的味道补充了原有的花香和果味。