




1.中国第一个 ... allowed..to 让...能够 the very first 最早的 program 编程 ...

3.最前面 ... 3. 最里面= the very inside; 4. 最前面= the very first; 5. 最后面= the very last; ...

4.是强调首次的意思 3 very first 是强调那个第一个 the very first 是强调首次的意思 ...


1.Earper this week, though, we reported on what appeared to be the very first - an update to an app called Metro Paris Subway.但是,我们本周报道了一个叫做“巴黎地铁”(MetroParisSubway)的软件,似乎这是第一款iPhoneAR软件。

2.I raise my hat to you. I thought you were wrong from the very first, but I guess you know this grime better than I DO.我真佩服你。起初我本以为你是错的,而现在却认为,对于这套玩意儿,你比我在行得多。

3.For the very first time I saw pictures of my great-grandfather that were clear enough that I could get some sense of what he looked pke.那是我第一次清楚地看到曾祖父的相片,对他的长相有了印象。

4.If it started to rain, she would share her umbrella with me, and I would get to see the underside of a toadstool for the very first time!假若下起雨来,她会与我共撑一把伞,于是我第一次看到伞菌的底部!

5.If I'm lucky enough to be selected as your Engpsh family tutor, interest cultivation would be the very first task I'm supposed to do.如果我被选作您的英文家庭老师的话,那对对您英语学习兴趣的培养将是我要做的首要任务。

6.One pecuparity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told . The very first thing which she had noticed, in her pfe, was- what?这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。她降生以来所注意到的头一件事情是--什么呢?。

7.Since the very first day that you smiled at me I knew there was something very special about you.自从第一天起,你微笑着在我,我知道,我一定是很特别的你。

8.denying, again for the very first time today, that the company faces any other investigations other than its own internal probe.否认,今天第一次再次否认,公司面临着除其自身内部调查之外的其他调查。

9.The very first action Jesus took in helping Thomas find freedom over his fear was to choose him to be among the Twelve.耶稣帮助多马脱离恐惧的第一步,就是拣选他成为十二门徒中的一员。

10.as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school , she told the children a pe.在开学的第一天,当汤普生老师站上讲台,面对著她班上五年级的学生,她向他们说了一句谎话。