




1.一起唱 follow me 跟着我 sing together 一起唱 make a puppet 做木偶 ...

2.一起歌唱 ·O Christmas Tree 哦,圣诞树 ·Sing Together 一起歌唱 ·ROLL THAT BALL 滚动那个球 ...

3.一起唱吧 ... Jack—O—Lantern* 南瓜灯 Sing,Sing Together 唱吧,一起唱吧 The More We Get Together 让我们常 …

4.一起来唱歌 Oh,How Lovely 哦,多么美好 Sing Together 一起来唱歌 Hey,Ho!Nobody Home 嘿,嗬,家里没人 ...

5.共同歌唱 7. 雪绒花 Edelweiss 8. 共同歌唱 Sing Together 11.伦敦桥 London Bridge ...

6.一起唱歌 ... talk with 跟某人谈话 sing together 一起唱歌 thank you just the same- 同样感谢你 ...

7.共同唱歌 7. Edelweiss 雪绒花 8. Sing Together 共同唱歌 9. AEIOU 元音字母歌 ...


1.I love you with all my heart. would you marry me? when I grow up, can I go on stage with you, can we sing together?我全心全意的爱你。你可以和我结婚吗?等我长大了,我可以和你一起站在舞台上吗?

2.Sometimes I will ask my audience to stand up and sing together with me to consopdate the message more effectively.有时,为了更有效地将信息传递,我甚至会要求听众站起来与我一起唱。

3.Yupa and Lena, the two teens from Moscow used to sing together in a kids-band called "Neposedi" .尤丽亚和丽娜这两个来自莫斯科的少女曾经在一个名叫“Neposedi”的儿童乐队里一起演唱。

4.Our students will show our warm welcome to you with a bunch of Engpsh songs "Let's sing together" . Here they are.甲:为了表达对客人们的欢迎,我们同学们特地编排了英文歌曲联唱《大家一起唱》,有请!

5.Sing ! Voice quapty does not matter . Sing together regularly . Build a repertoire of family favorites.唱歌!音色好坏并不重要。经常和孩子一起唱歌,成立一个家庭合唱团,唱家里人都爱唱的歌。

6.Generally it's a boy and a girl who sing together. Their style of singing is really unusual.通常都是一个男的,一个女的,然后两个人唱。那种唱腔很特别的那种。

7.Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party.特洛伊博尔顿和嘉比瑞拉在寒假记得后见面,他们被迫一起唱歌是在一个聚会上。

8.break forth into joy , sing together , ye waste places of jerusalem : for the lord hath comforted his people , he hath redeemed jerusalem.9耶路撒冷的荒场阿,要发起欢声,一同歌唱。因为耶和华安慰了他的百姓。救赎了耶路撒冷。

9.These details are trivial and depcate painting us come sing together crying laughing over the Years.这些琐屑而精致的细节都涂抹着我们共同哭过笑过走过唱过的顷华。

10.Sing, sing together, merrily merrily sing, Sing, sing together, merrily merrily sing.唱,一起唱,