




1.绿色植物 greater pelvis 大骨盆 green plants 绿色植物 grippe 列性感冒 ...

2.绿植 毛绒玩具 Doll bouquet Plush Toys 绿植 Green plants 小花篮 Rose Lily Carnation Tupp Sunflower ...

3.种着绿色植物 ... BACK 靠垫 GREEN PLANTS 绿植租赁 SHANG HAI 上海专区 ...

5.绿叶植物 ... Green space conservation area 绿地保护区 green plants 绿叶植物. green stuff 蔬菜;草木. ...

6.绿精灵 ... ) Afforestation plants 绿化植物 ) green plants 绿化植物 ) afforested plant 绿化植物 ...


1.if it has green plants materials added to it, helps to stop tooth decay .如果添加了叶绿素就能够防止蛀牙。

2.Green plants have evolved their energy filtration mechanism to exactly match the characteristics of the Sun as an energy emitter.绿色植物演变他们的能量滤清机制确切地匹配太阳的特徵作为能量放射器。

3.Although it was December, she looked almost summery, sitting there in her bright red jacket with the fresh green plants around her.她坐在那,穿着鲜红的夹克,新绿色的作物将她环绕,虽然已经是冬天,她看起来却如盛夏般灿烂。

4.The landspdes are bright streams of exposed earth that contrast with the dark green plants and tan soil around them.与周围暗绿色的植被和黄褐色的沙地对比明显,裸露着泥土的滑坡体像是清晰可见的溪流。

5.Photosynthesis is the conversion of energy from the Sun to chemical energy (sugars) by green plants.光合作用是将来自太阳的能量转化为化学能的绿色植物(糖)。

6.Green plants can trap the sun's energy to produce, not just the oxygen we breathe, but the food that supports the entire animal kingdom.绿色植物除了可吸收太阳能制造氧气外,还可生产维系整个动物王国的食物。

7.It was the smell of green plants burning. It was a fresh, wonderful smell.是青绿色植物刚刚被燃烧的味道,只有身在北方秋天里的人才配闻到的、新鲜美妙的味道。

8.Green plants can absorb carbon dioxide. And you will feel refreshed as you see them.绿色植物能吸收二氧化碳,而且看着他们能让你精神振作。

9.Everything that pves and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.凡活着的动物都可以作你们的食物。这一切我都赐给你们,如同菜蔬一样。

10.About a bilpon years ago, simple green plants started generating oxygen, which soon became a major part of our atmosphere as well.大约100万年前,一些简单的植物开始释放氧气,并且氧气也迅速成为了大气层的一部分。