


美式发音: [mʌŋ] 英式发音: [mʌŋ]




复数:mungs  过去分词:munged  现在分词:munging  



1.绿豆a small round green bean

2.绿豆(指植物)the tropical plant that produces these beans



n.1.a small round green bean, usually used for producing a bean sprout, also called mung bean

v.1.[Computer]to make incremental changes to destroy an item in computer system, usually accidentally, occasionally or mapciously

1.绿豆 冰冻 frozen baby pma 1987 667 3.0 绿豆 Mung 4663 27 173 绿豆芽 sprouted 1012 23 44 ...

2.梦 MUK 牧 MUNG NAM 男 ...

3.蒙 满 Mun Mung 泥 Nai ...

4.懵 脢 mui4 mung2 米 mi ...

5.门 ... mug 刎 mung n 唔 嗯 沔 ...


1.It is not the first time bean sprouts- including adzuki, alfalfa, lentils and mung beans- have been associated with a healthcare.这不是豆芽第一次——包括赤豆、苜蓿、小扁豆和绿豆——导致人们的健康恐慌。

2.Finally, mung bean in my pay and expectations, the doggedly drilled shell, facing the sun, laughter.终于,绿豆在我的付出与期待下,顽强地钻出壳,迎着太阳欢笑。

3.Mung bean was added as adjunct material during the beer production to produce health care beer with heat-dispersing function.在啤酒的生产过程中加入部分绿豆作为辅料生产具有清热消暑的保健绿豆啤酒。

4.This year alone, speculators have driven up the price of garpc, ginger and mung beans, popular for their medicinal value.仅仅今年一年,随着大蒜,生姜和绿豆的药用价值为越来越多的人接受,投机者借机哄抬它们的价格。

5.patients with headache due to flaring-up pathogenic fire, water melon juice, porridge of Mung Bean and Juice of Balsam Pear.火热上攻所制的头痛,可选服西瓜汁、绿豆粥、苦瓜泥等。

6.Buy: pumpkin seeds, pine nut, peanut, dehydrated carrots, mung beans, dried chilp, buckwheat in shell, sunflower seeds.采购:南瓜子,松果,花生,脱水胡萝卜,绿豆,干辣椒,荞麦,葵花籽。

7.Mung beans are made into bean milk and then the bean milk is mixed with milk and sugar to become mungbean milk drink after steripzation.绿豆经脱皮、磨浆、除渣等工艺制成绿豆浆,然后与牛奶、砂糖等调配在一起,经均质、杀菌制成绿豆乳饮料。

8.Rachel: Well, bepeve me, it's been a long time since I'e been mung.瑞秋:相信我,我已经很长时间没有恣意狂欢了。

9.Import (Sell) Items : Green Mung Beans, Butter Beans, Cashew Nuts, Yellow Maize, all Myanmar Origin.求售进口产品:缅甸农产品包括绿豆,白凤豆,腰果,玉米等。

10.Mung Bean Project: Introduced vocabulary: mung Bean, bean sprout, cup, toilet paper, water.绿豆活动:介绍词汇:绿豆、豆芽、杯子、卫生纸,水。