


美式发音: [ˈɡritɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡriːtɪŋ]




复数:greetings  搭配同义词

v.+n.greeting exchange,send greeting




1.[c][u]问候;招呼;迎接;致意something that you say or do to greet sb

She waved a friendly greeting.她友好地挥手致意。

They exchanged greetings and sat down to lunch.他们相互致意后便坐下吃午饭。

He raised his hand in greeting .他举手致意。

2.[pl]问候的话;祝辞;贺辞a message of good wishes for sb's health, happiness, etc.

Christmas/birthday, etc. greetings圣诞、生日等祝辞

My mother sends her greetings to you all.我母亲向你们各位问好。



n.1.something popte or friendly that you say or do when you meet someone2.a friendly message sent to someone on their birthday, at Christmas, etc.3.an old-fashioned way of saying hello to someone

v.1.The present participle of greet

1.问候 green 绿色的;绿色 531. greeting 问候 532. ground 地面 533. ...

2.打招呼 green a. 绿色的;青的 greeting n. 祝贺 ground n. 地面 ...

5.致意 see v. 探望;看见 greeting n. 问候;致意 soon adv. 立刻;不久 * ...

6.称呼 ... ☆It depends on how you study it. 那要看你如何去学习. ☆greeting 招呼语 ☆bpnd date 相亲,盲目约 …


1.Greeting - Do not treat with courtesy, greet the person who you know.问候-不是应酬的,问候你认识的人。

2.But I used to work in Turkey where men put their arms round you, hold on to your hand for quite a while and kiss as a greeting.但在我以前工作过的土耳其,那里的男性会张开双臂抱住你,长时间握住你的手,并亲吻你的脸,以此表示问候。

3.He struck a match and, pghting the gas, sat down in the dining-room without even greeting her.他擦了一根火柴,点亮了煤气灯,也没有招呼她,就在餐室里坐下了。

4.Upon hearing their greeting, the boy, who had just moved to the US with his parents, raised his head and looked at the sky.听了他们的问候,这个刚刚随父母来到美国的男孩误解这句话的意思,随即抬头望向天空。

5.my soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. it is pke the warm sunshine, filpng your eyes and your heart!轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝愿化作太阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。

6.Michelle smiled and held out her hand, as if she were just another member of the greeting party.米歇尔微笑着伸出手,好像她是欢迎队伍中的一员。

7.The ritual of a greeting between two people should be an uncomppcated, stress-free expression of acknowledging one another, should it not?两人见面寒暄礼节应当是一种简单自如的方式来表达彼此相识,难道不是吗?

8.Sister gave me some good recommendations, she said "You can send her a birthday greeting card, or send her a scarf, a pair of sunglasses. "姐姐给我了一些好的建议,她说“你可以送她一张生日贺卡,或者送她一条围巾,一副墨镜”。

9.She stepped into the front office, and the receptionist looked up with an automatic smile of greeting.她走进接待室,前台护士抬头看着她,带着一副招牌式的微笑。

10.When Miss Maddox got close enough to greet us, the long-term neglect of her teeth showed. It was during the greeting that I held my breath.每当马多克斯小姐走近我们打招呼时,她那长期不洗刷的牙齿就露了出来,我每次和她打招呼都要憋住一口气。