


美式发音: [ˈɪɡlu] 英式发音: [ˈɪɡluː]






1.(北美北部因纽特人的拱形圆顶)冰屋a small round house or shelter built from blocks of hard snow by the Inuit people of northern N America

n.1.爱斯基摩 (Eskimo) 人居住的外壳用硬雪块砌成的圆顶小屋2.圆顶建筑3.手提透明塑胶保护罩

n.1.a building made from snow or ice

1.冰屋 小的 small 圆顶建筑 igloo 圆锥体 cone ...

3.雪屋 WING/ 飞翼 igloo/ 易酷乐 lasting/ 拉斯汀 ...

5.小冰屋 ignore 忽视 igloo 小冰屋 kangaroo 袋鼠 ...

6.爱斯基摩人的圆顶茅屋 arch n 拱,拱门,弓形 igloo n 圆顶建筑,爱斯基摩人的圆顶茅屋 identical adj. 同一的,完全相同的 ...

7.圆顶冰屋 build 建筑 13? igloo 圆顶冰屋 14) inside 在里面 15? ...


1."The only wooden thing we have left in the igloo is the front door, " he says.“唯一的木制的事情,我们留在雪屋是前门,”他说。

2.Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Igloo inspired pods include wood burning fireplaces , luxury beds , and full bathrooms.Whitepod位于瑞士的阿尔卑斯山的腹地,冰屋的内室充满了创造力,燃木壁橱,豪华的床铺,完备的浴室一应俱全。

3.We didn't even go inside the igloo at first. We just stood outside, our cheeks numb from the cold, and stared at the sky.开始我们甚至没有走进玻璃房,只是站在屋外仰望天空,把脸颊冻得发麻。

4.The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt: it is now attracting tourists from all over the world.受欢迎的雪屋是不容置疑的:现在是吸引游客来自世界各地的。

5.The men then call in the resident expert, the Eskimo woman, to put the finishing touches on the igloo.最后,人们请来当地的专家,爱斯基摩妇女,以便给冰屋做最后的画龙点睛。

6.To do so in a glass igloo must surely be one of the more novel and cosy ways of admiring one of nature's most stunning phenomena.想要欣赏自然这一神奇绚烂的奇观,住在玻璃屋旅馆里肯定是更新奇安逸的方式了。

7.If you just want to put on a heavy coat and drink a fancy vodka in a modern-day igloo, consider the fun, if touristy, Absolut Icebar.如果你只想穿上厚实的大衣在现代拱形圆顶小屋里喝上一杯爽口的伏特加,不妨趁人多的时候去趟Absolut冰吧。

8.The stackable, sturdy Igloo chair combines a strong, 12-gauge chrome metal frame with a 100% recyclable polypropylene shell.该堆叠,坚固的冰屋椅子相结合的一个强大,12个规格的铬金属框架,以百分之一百的可回收聚丙烯壳。

9.The tepee became a popular symbol of all Indians, although the wigwam, wickiup, hogan, igloo, and longhouse were at least as important.尽管棚屋、窝棚、泥盖木屋和圆顶屋等作用不下于圆锥帐篷,但圆锥帐篷还是成为印第安人的普遍标志。

10.The igloo, a temporary winter hunting shelter to the Alaskan Eskimo does, in fact, melt inside, but not to a great extent.圆顶冰屋是阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人在冬天打猎时的临时栖身处,实际上,里面是会融化的,但不是很厉害。