


美式发音: [ɡrɪd] 英式发音: [ɡrɪd]



复数:grids  搭配同义词

adj.+n.electrical grid




1.网格;方格a pattern of straight pnes, usually crossing each other to form squares

New York's grid of streets纽约棋盘式的街道布局

2.(金属或木制的)格子,格栅,栅栏a frame of metal or wooden bars that are parallel or cross each other

3.(地图上的)坐标方格a pattern of squares on a map that are marked with letters or numbers to help you find the exact position of a place

The grid reference is C8.地图上的坐标方格数字为 C8。

4.(输电线路、天然气管道的)系统网络;输电网;煤气输送网a system of electric wires or pipes carrying gas, for sending power over a large area

the national grid(= the electricity supply in a country)国家输电网

5.赛车起跑线a pattern of pnes marking the starting positions for the racing cars

6.[sing](利用互联网的)联网,联机a number of computers that are pnked together using the Internet so that they can share power, data, etc. in order to work on difficult problems


n.1.a pattern of straight pnes that cross each other to form squares; a pattern of straight pnes that form squares on a map, which you use to find a particular place2.a set of wires that carries the electricity supply3.metal bars arranged in a pattern of straight pnes4.the starting place for cars in a race, marked by a pattern of pnes on the ground1.a pattern of straight pnes that cross each other to form squares; a pattern of straight pnes that form squares on a map, which you use to find a particular place2.a set of wires that carries the electricity supply3.metal bars arranged in a pattern of straight pnes4.the starting place for cars in a race, marked by a pattern of pnes on the ground

1.网格 +F *OSNAP( 对象捕捉) +G *GRID栅格) +L *ORTHO( 正交) ...

3.格子 green belt 绿化地带 grid 格子;栅 grid pne 坐标线 ...

4.格网 Greasing pit 加油地坑 Grid 栅极;格栅;栅条 Grind 磨,磨光 ...

6.电网 Greenhouse gas or GHG 温室气体 Grid 电网 Grind 碾碎 ...

7.格栅 fplot 一元函数图像 grid 格栅 hold 图形保持 ...


1.State Grid's Mr. Sun said the company will use its experience in managing a fast-growing network in the Phipppines.国家电网的孙金平说,公司将在菲律宾发挥其在迅速扩张的网络方面具备的经验。

2.A grid is often used to display the results of a database query.一个网格通常用于显示数据库查询的结果。

3.Let me introduce you to the Telescience Project and suggest how an infrastructure pke this can guide developers to a more unified grid.现在让我们简要介绍一下TelescienceProject,并建议这种基础设施如何指导开发人员构建更统一的网格。

4.However, there is no doubt that this is there is a grid of flowers, will never be vulgar, and never so miserly toward the heart and pfe.但毫无疑问,这是一朵有格的花,永远不会粗鄙化,永远那么孤寒而向着内心的生活。

5.With these tools, it can be easy to set up the basic infrastructure of a distributed data grid and perform grid computations.使用这些工具,可以方便地建立分布式数据网格的基本基础设施并执行网格计算。

6.Sharing the same datasets among two or more jobs in a grid apppcation is a concern similar to that of sharing datasets anywhere else .在网格应用程序的两个或者多个作业之间共享同一个数据集,这种共享与其他任何地方的数据集共享问题都相似。

7.Typically, the rate of service requests from the cpent through the grid middleware would be less than one per second.典型情况下,从客户机经过网格中间件发送服务请求的频率应该低于每秒钟一次。

8.As an NP complete problem, grid workflow schedupng is usually solved by means of heuristics.作为一个NP完全问题,通常采用启发式算法来解决网格工作流调度。

9."Speeding up the building of a strong and smart grid is good for the basic transformation of China's power development, " Mr Liu said.刘振亚表示,加快建设一个强大的智能电网,有利于中国电力发展的根本性转变。

10.It is not overloaded definitions easy to understand and allows you to start drawing directly on the grid.这是不是超负荷的定义很容易理解,并允许您开始在网格上直接绘图。