



美式发音: [ɡroʊn] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊn]

v.呻吟;烦闷 (beneath; under; with);渴望



第三人称单数:groans  现在分词:groaning  过去式:groaned  同义词反义词


v.moan,grunt,cry out,whimper,growl


v.1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对


v.1.to make a long low sound, for example because you are in pain or unhappy; if wood, metal, or another material groans, it makes a long low sound as it moves2.to speak about something in a way that shows you are unhappy3.if one thing groans under another, it can only just support or bear it; if a table groans with food, there is a lot of food on it

n.1.a long low sound that a person makes, especially when they are in pain or unhappy; a long low sound made by something as it moves2.a complaint

1.呻吟 ... previously: 以前的;先前的 groans: 呻吟 sob: 哭泣,呜咽 ...

2.呻吟闷哼 groans n. 呻吟, 叹息 funky adj. 胆战心惊的 ...


1.that Mrs. Wilson, hearing groans from the bathroom, went in and found him in an unconscious condition.听到卫生间有呻吟的声音,威尔逊夫人走进去,发现他已经昏迷。

2.She opens her eyes, and sometimes she groans or gropes toward people nearby. Most of the time she seems to be asleep.她眼睛张着,有时会呻吟着向旁边的人挤出模糊的声音,而大部分的时间她都似乎在沉睡中度过。

3.When the pilot puts a tank simulator into gear, it rumbles , groans, and shakes much pke the ride in a real tank.驾驶员发动坦克模拟器时,它会轰鸣、呻吟和颤抖,就和驾驶真的坦克一样。

4.Also has also has, today makes up for a missed lesson, a very good teacher, groans, is high three with her, has the food to eat!还有还有,今天去补课,一个很好的老师,哼哼,高三跟着她,有饭吃!

5.Ant groans path: "Did not carry, I broke a leg last night is not, breaking again is not, I broke fuck the leg of one night. "蚂蚁唉声叹气道:“别提了,我昨晚掰开一条腿不是,又掰开一条又不是,他妈的我掰了一夜的腿。”英文夫妻笑话:Antandcentipedemarry。

6.Speaking of the depression, ZhongChangHui people brain emerged the image: sister Lin, always drips groans all day tears.说起抑郁症,人们脑海中常会浮现出林妹妹的形象:整天唉声叹气,动不动就淌眼泪。

7.It's just a matter of time until the structure groans and loses integrity.终有一天这整个结构就会开始呻吟,它会失去重心,这只是时间问题。

8.The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help. But God charges no one with wrongdoing.在多民的城内有人唉哼,受伤的人哀号;上帝却不理会那恶人的愚妄。

9.When your manager groans when he or she sees you coming, you know this is the wrong strategy for keeping your job.如果一看到你,你的经理就开始头痛,那么,你应该知道这可不是保住工作的良策。

10.They can provide shock and awe in a carefully - constructed story, or turn out to be a cheap cop-out that evokes groans rather than gasps.他们提供一个小心构造的故事,有震撼与威慑,或是唤起呻吟并非喘气的推托。