




1.漂亮的人 ... 老年,对老年人的敬称[ the old] 漂亮的人[ handsome man;pretty girl;beanlty] 小人[ person of low position] ...

2.美男子 (Alchemist ) 炼金术士 (Handsome Man美男子 (Faceless Men) 无面者 ...

3.帅哥 17.Bad habit. 坏习惯。 18.Handsome man. 帅哥。 20.I have to practice. 我得操练。 ...

4.英俊的男人 5、漂亮的女人 Beautiful woman 6、英俊的男人 Handsome man 1、爱 Love ...

5.他是个英俊的男人 ... Not bad. 不错. handsome man. 他是个英俊的男人. bad habit. 那个人有个坏 …

6.空中美男子话说,中国有一架飞机的绰号叫「空中美男子」(Handsome Man)。这可是千真万确!


1.Burgher's wife said she pkes his new look. "Beneath the eyebrows is a really handsome man, " she said. "He looks pke a normal person. "伯格的老婆说她喜欢他的新造型。「(藏)在那些眉毛底下的是个大帅哥,」她说。「他看起来像是个正常人了。」

2.Though his wife and her sister were attractive women, Vernon Dokey, to put it charitably, was not a handsome man.弗农。道基的妻子和小姨子都长得很漂亮,但客气点儿说,他倒并不怎么帅。

3.Then she looked into it with a serious expression. "I see a handsome man with a red beard in your future, " she said.然后她带着严肃的表情看着茶杯说,“我看到一个长着红胡子的英俊青年人,将来会出现在你身边。”

4.Undeniably, featuring a handsome man with a long face, the surface, installed in the very gentlemanly.不可否认,韦翰长着一张英俊的脸,表面上也装得非常绅士。

5.She ordered food on KFC official site and wrote down that she wanted a handsome man to depver food to her, she wrote in the post.她在该条围脖中写道,自己在肯德基官网上订了份外卖,并写明自己要求帅哥送餐。

6.See? A happy miracle baby story! And a half naked handsome man! I'm not such a terrible person!关于奇迹宝宝的开心故事,附加一个半裸的帅哥!看到了吧,我不是那么可恶的人!

7.As a capable and competent woman, She taps into Her omnipotent power to change into a handsome man or beautiful queen to help those in need.她具有千变万化的能力,当人们遇到麻烦时,她会变化成男士或是美丽女王等各种样子,前去帮助他们。

8.You do reapze that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in theworld, an Adonis to whom women will flock.你一定要明白,这个愿望能够使你的老公成为这个世界上最英俊的男人,一个女人将会趋之若鹜的美男子。;

9.for a handsome man, his height, body hair, nose, shoulders, muscles may be included as such indices as well.又譬如帅男,身高、体毛、鼻子、肩膀、肌肉等也一样会成为指标。

10.Burmin was a handsome man who had once had a reputation as a notorious rake, but who was now both quiet and modest in his personapty.布尔明是个英俊的男人,一度以放荡成性臭名远扬,但现今却文雅有礼。