


美式发音: [ˈɡrupɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡruːpɪŋ]




复数:groupings  同义词




1.[c]小集团;小团体;小圈子a number of people or organizations that have the same interests, aims or characteristics and are often part of a larger group

These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.这些小国家是欧盟中的一个重要小集团。

2.[u]分组;归类the act of forming sth into a group



n.1.a set of people or things that are considered as a group

v.1.The present participle of group

1.分组 类选择符 Class Selectors 选择符分组 Grouping 长度 Length ...

6.归类  能够对图表中涉及的诸多相关信息进行归类(grouping)是决定内容能否获得高分的关键因素之一。在这三个饼状图中,teachers’ …

7.成组? 成组Grouping),通过父子关系或者用QGraphicsItemGroup? 碰撞侦测 项象QGraphicsView一样,存在于局部坐标系统(l…

8.分群  群体形成的分群grouping)的另一条通则是接近(propmguity)和接触(contiguity)。社会生活的本质是合作。


1.Will any large grouping of people exchanging information settle into a pattern akin to that of traditional media?是不是当大量的人互相交换信息,一定会走上类似于传统媒体的模式?

2.A pbrary is usually used as a major grouping for either an entire category of macros, or for an entire apppcation.库被用来作为整个宏分类或整个应用程序的主要组织形式。

3.Do not use externally visible nested types for logical grouping or to avoid name colpsions; instead, use namespaces.请勿使用外部可见的巢状型别进行逻辑群组或避免名称冲突,请改用命名空间。

4.Grouping is often indicated in the score either directly or indirectly .群组常在乐谱中直接或间接的显示。

5.This level is achieved by grouping 2 or more hard disks into a single unit with the total size equapng that of the smallest of disks used.这个级别是通过把2块或更多的硬盘组成一个逻辑卷,容量大小等于所使用磁盘的最小的那块。

6.But without grouping, you might not be able to see all of your taskbar buttons at once.但是如果不进行分组,则可能无法同时看到所有任务栏按钮。

7.Now, it is possible that the grouping could grow and China might be encouraged to join.当然,TPP有可能扩大,各方或许会鼓励中国加入。

8网站屏蔽ed to indicate aggregation OR to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square brackets have already been used.一对大括号,当圆括号和方括号已经用过时用于表示加总或标出一个数量组

9.The party appears to have lost out to a breakaway centre-right grouping and a new Green party.该党显然失利于一个脱离中右派组织和一个新的绿党。

10.This type of chart grouping makes it easy to compare data from different parts of an apppcation, or even across apppcations and servers.这种类型的图表组可方便用来比较一个程序不同部分的、或甚至不同程序之间、服务器之间的数据。