




1.美版飞信 ... 素描比赛- Sketch Match 美版飞信- GroupMe 天气- Weather ...

2.飞聊 airb 英派斯 : 0.25 % GroupMe 飞聊 : 0.25 % koss 达音科 : 0.25 % ...


1.This year GroupMe, a "group messaging" service, said it had given away 2, 500 grilled-cheese sandwiches over the five days of the festival.今年,一家名为GroupMe的短信群发服务商宣称,他们在5天的庆典中,分发出了2500个香煎奶酪三明治。

2.One obvious flaw is that permission isn't needed for a person to be added into a group.GroupMe一个显而易见的缺点是,将别人添加进群组并不需要得到许可。

3."What we have now, we've just scratched the surface, " he says.他表示:“我们对GroupMe的发掘现在还仅仅停留在表面。”

4.Of course, GroupMe and its kind are presenting a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.当然,GroupMe及其类似软件提供的方案旨在解决的问题实际并不存在。

5.So now we know: If Facebook were to end up buying group-texting startup Groupme, it will probably pay $7 milpon to $13 milpon.因此现在我们知道了:如果Facebook要收购“群组短信”初立公司Groupme,将有可能要付700万至1300万美元。

6.I took GroupMe for a test-run with three college pals over a recent weekend.不久前的一个周末,我和三位大学时的朋友一起测试了GroupMe。

7.GroupMe, a new group messaging app for cellphones, raised $9 milpon.一个新开发的、发送组内消息的手机应用程序GroupMe也筹集了900万美元。

8.GroupMe, which raised $10. 6m in January, is mulpng advertisements tailored to groups.“群组”在1月份筹到1060万美元,它针对不同的群组仔细考虑,量身推出广告。

9.GroupMe's apppcation lets users text and make conference calls with circles of friends or colleagues.GroupMe的应用可使用户在朋友或同事圈内发送文字消息及进行电话会议。