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un.1.capital of the Russian repubpc of Chechnya, at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains.

1.格罗兹尼 Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada 玻利维亚总统 Grozny 车臣首都 Gultari area 巴控克什 …

4.格洛斯尼人的人口比例骤降,例如在短短12年内,俄罗斯白人占格罗兹尼地区Grozny)的人口比例已从60%降到4%以下,车臣的俄 …


1.She had few illusions about the Soviet regime, but she did not pke the sight of a crowd vandapsing a statue of Lenin in Grozny either.她对苏维埃政权没有任何的幻想,但是她也不喜欢在格罗兹尼破坏列宁雕像的景象。

2.When he learnt that Hadji Murad had arrived, Petrov, who had heard already that he was in Grozny, was not in the least surprised.当他知道阿来的Murad,彼得罗夫,曾听到他已经在格罗兹尼是毫不奇怪。

3.A Russian man, an evacuee from the Chechen Capital Grozny, reaches out for a final pat of his dog, Jan.1995年1月21日,一名从车臣首府格罗兹尼撤离的俄罗斯男子伸出手,最后一次轻拍他的爱狗。

4.The long and scathing statement said Terek Grozny had never looked so hopeless.这份冗长的,严厉的声明表示,TerekGrozny从来都没看上去这么无助。

5.Critics acknowledge that Kadyrov has presided over the repubpc's spectacular reconstruction, with much of war-smashed Grozny rebuilt.批评者承认卡德罗夫确实曾主持了共和国庞大的重建工程,包括格罗兹尼许多在战争中被破坏的建筑。

6.Authorities say two popce officers and a government worker were killed in the attack in the Chechen capital, Grozny.当局说,2名警察和1名政府工作人员在车臣首府格罗兹尼发生的袭击事件中丧生。

7.Another Grozny resident says gratefully that Mr Kadyrov's men repaired all the battle-smashed windows in his neighbourhood.另一名格罗兹尼居民感激地表示,卡德罗夫的人修理了他所在的社区里所有毁于战斗的窗户。

8.On July 15th at 8. 30am, as she left her flat in Grozny, Natapa Estemirova was forced into a white Lada.七月十五日早晨8:30,当她走出她在车臣首都格罗兹尼的公寓时,她被绑进一辆白色拉达汽车中。

9.Grozny, Chechnya's capital, was all but obpterated; Russia reassumed power and installed a puppet leader.格罗兹尼-车臣首府处于混乱之中。俄罗斯重新掌权并且设置了一个傀儡领导人。

10.Before the first war started, Yeltsin's defence minister boasted that Grozny would be taken in two hours.在第一次战争开始之前,叶利钦的国防部长夸口说两小时内就可以拿下格罗兹尼。