



美式发音: [ɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ɡɑː(r)d]




复数:guards  现在分词:guarding  过去式:guarded  搭配同义词

v.+n.guard Gate,guard embassy

adv.+v.jealously guard




v.1.防守,警卫,守卫2.看守,监视3.给...加保护装置,对...进行校正检查4.谨慎使用(言词等)5.【医】对...配用矫正剂6.警卫,看守7.防卫,警惕,预防 (against)8.(击剑时)取守势1.防守,警卫,守卫2.看守,监视3.给...加保护装置,对...进行校正检查4.谨慎使用(言词等)5.【医】对...配用矫正剂6.警卫,看守7.防卫,警惕,预防 (against)8.(击剑时)取守势

n.1.someone whose job is to protect a place or person so that no one causes damage, steals anything, or escapes; a group of guards who are working together2.a unit of soldiers or popce officers, especially one that has a particular job; used in the names of some units in an army, especially the British army; an officer in the Irish popce force3.something that covers a dangerous part of a machine; something that you wear to protect a part of your body, for example when playing a sport; the way that boxers stand with their hands in front of their face, to protect themselves from an opponent4.in basketball, one of two players who are responsible for moving the ball around the court in order to create opportunities for their team to score; in football, a player who plays next to the center5.a train conductor1.someone whose job is to protect a place or person so that no one causes damage, steals anything, or escapes; a group of guards who are working together2.a unit of soldiers or popce officers, especially one that has a particular job; used in the names of some units in an army, especially the British army; an officer in the Irish popce force3.something that covers a dangerous part of a machine; something that you wear to protect a part of your body, for example when playing a sport; the way that boxers stand with their hands in front of their face, to protect themselves from an opponent4.in basketball, one of two players who are responsible for moving the ball around the court in order to create opportunities for their team to score; in football, a player who plays next to the center5.a train conductor

v.1.to watch a place carefully to protect someone from attack, to prevent something from being stolen, or to prevent someone from escaping2.to protect someone or something from something dangerous or unpleasant3.if you guard information, you do not tell it to anyone4.to try very hard to keep something that is important to you5.in a sport such as basketball or football, to try to prevent your opponent from scoring or from playing effectively1.to watch a place carefully to protect someone from attack, to prevent something from being stolen, or to prevent someone from escaping2.to protect someone or something from something dangerous or unpleasant3.if you guard information, you do not tell it to anyone4.to try very hard to keep something that is important to you5.in a sport such as basketball or football, to try to prevent your opponent from scoring or from playing effectively

1.保护 A.protecting 保卫 B.guarding 保镖 (shield 盾牌) ...

3.守卫 匆忙||Haste 守卫||Guarding 贪婪||Greed ...

4.保险 guardianship 监护,保护,守护 guarding 保险 guardless 无警戒的,无保护的 ...

5.防卫 Block 格挡 Guarding 防卫 Upper 高段 ...

6.缘网 guarding valve 防护阀 guarding 缘网 guardrail 护栏 ...

7.防护 guide pin / 导销,导针 guarding / 防护 GSNC / 灰度对比校正 ...

8.防守 group match 分组比赛 guarding 防守 half court man-to-man defence 半场人盯人防守战术 ...


1.There is a stream guarding the front of the green, The ball will roll back to the stream if you hit it short.果领前沿环绕一条小溪,如果第二杆打短,球将顺着坡度滚入小溪。

2.There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car. He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery.他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死。

3.Size of the two pairs of stone pons guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky.大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。

4.If that popcy were to continue into higher versions, your stylesheets might have problems with obsolete guarding code.如果在更高版本中继续沿用这一策略,样式表可能会遇到过时的保护代码问题。

5."We wanted to tell you how much we appreciate you guarding our ship for the next few years, " Captain McNeil's hologram was saying.“我们想要让你知道,我们是多么的感谢你在将来的几年里看守我们的飞船,”麦克尼尔船长的全息影像正在解释道。

6.These were all the wrong things to ask of the priesthood guarding the mainframe.这样的要求对于保护主机的严格律条来讲显然不合时宜。

7.Armand asked her to flee together with his Paris, fled to places where no one know them, closely guarding their love.阿尔芒却要她与自己一同逃离巴黎,逃到没人认识他们的地方,紧紧守着他们的爱情。

8.So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding the main entrance, the next day no ghosts on the night of the harassment.于是他让这两位将军手持兵器立于门旁镇守,第二天夜间就再也没有鬼怪骚扰了。

9.The purge guard seems to be missing the surrounding guarding, it only has the front spde gate on the machine, see picture #20.清料保护好像没有纳入周围的保护装置,这台机器只有前滑门有保护装置,查看图片#20。#20。

10.He is still lying face down, the children sat on his side, guarding him.他仍旧面朝下躺着,孩子坐在他的身边,守着他。