

New Kingdom

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n.1.a period in the history of ancient Egypt, from the 18th to the 20th dynasty (approximately 1580 to 1090 )

1.新王国的法老阿蒙南赫特一世(Amenemhet I );新王国时代New Kingdom),公元前1552─1069年,第十八王朝法老阿哈摩斯 …

5.新王朝时期gs), 图坦卡门王生活在约西元前1341年的埃及新王朝时期 (New Kingdom),他的陵墓其实很小,之所以那麽出名的原因是目 …

6.双法老 ... Necropops 史前坟场(纪念碑) New Kingdom 双法老(法老) Ram of the west wind 西风之鎚(攻城塔) ...

7.和新王国gdom)、中王国(Middle Kingdom)和新王国New Kingdom)三个时期,历经三十一个朝代,止於西元前332年。

8.龙之崛起王国中王国(Middle Kingdom)以及新皇帝 龙之崛起王国(New Kingdom)三大时闪点行动2龙之崛起期的阶段,这三大时期也代表埃 …


1.The model was carved during the New Kingdom Period but we do not know who it is or why it was made because there are no hieroglyphics on it.这尊模特是在埃及新王国时期雕刻的,但是我们不知道它是谁,也不知道为什么要制作它,因为它上面没有象形文字可参考。

2.He said the coffin dates back to the 21st Dynasty, right after the end of the New Kingdom and the golden age of Egypt.他说这副棺材可以追溯到第二十一朝,刚好就在新王国及埃及黄金时代终结之后。

3.When we accepted Jesus Christ, we came out from a world which does not know Him and we entered a new kingdom.我们接受耶稣基督以后,便代表我们已离开那个不认识基督的世界,进入一个新的国度。

4.Alexander has to be tough enough to not only defend this new kingdom, but to avenge his country's honor.亚历山大被教导不仅要捍卫新的王国,还必须为国家的荣誉而复仇。

5.Lupin organizes the colonization as his new "kingdom" in Mauritania. He gives away plots of land to some of his old companions.罗宾在毛里塔尼亚成立他自己的王国,并且把一些土地分给他以前的伙伴。

6.Fourthly, with the foundation of new Kingdom of Sicily, the safety of Byzantine Empire was in danger.第四,促成西西里王国的建立,使之对当时地中海新格局的形成影响深远。

7.But when he became Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he helped introduce a Sphinx-worshiping cult to the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B. C. ).但是,当他成为图特摩斯四世法老之后,却将对狮身人面像崇拜的邪教引入了新王国(公元前1550年-公元前1070年)。

8.After a long quest involving your flying mount and exploring a new kingdom in the clouds, warlocks can summon Rainbow Bears-that-Care.在涉及使用飞行坐骑探索云的国度的超长任务之后,术士可以召唤彩虹爱心熊。

9.During the period of the New Kingdom (2000-1085 BC), additional Egyptian artwork depicted Egyptian and Nubian wrestlers competing.在新王国时代(公元前2000-公元前1085年),更多的埃及艺术品上描述了埃及和努比亚摔跤手的竞技情形。

10.In the New Kingdom, the symbol develops human arms which are held in the act of giving praise.在新王国,这符号展现了处在给予赞扬动作中的人的胳臂。