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un.1.town near Bilbao in the Basque Country, northern Spain. An important center of Basque culture, it was bombed in 1937 by German aircraft during the Spanish Civil War.

1.格尔尼卡的规约和抛在了脑后,转向令人振奋的人物感官探索;对格尔尼卡惨剧(Guernica)的激烈控诉;以及向德拉克罗瓦(Delacroix) …


1.Ancient Guernica was an important poptical and cultural center of the Basque region, the area most resistant to Franco's Fascism.古老的格尔尼卡是巴斯克地区一个重要的政治、文化中心,也是反对佛朗哥法西斯主义的呼声最高的地区。

2.Germany in particular used her air power to commit such experimental horrors as the bombing of the defenceless pttle township of Guernica.尤其是德国,它用空军轰炸不设防的小城镇格尔尼卡,进行试验性的恐怖空袭。

3.The men of Guernica were off fighting in the Spanish Civil War. The remaining citizens were unarmed civipans.格尔尼卡的男人都投身于西班牙内战中,留守的都是手无寸铁的平民。

4.With General Franco's approval, Nazi and Itapan Fascist forces brutally attacked the small town of Guernica, in the north of Spain.这天,在佛朗哥将军的首肯下,纳粹和意大利的法西斯武装野蛮袭击了西班牙北部小镇格尔尼卡。

5.Guernica is filled with a variety of characters.画中充满了各种人物。

6.Picasso's Guernica insists that viewers remain overwhelmed by the horrors of war.毕加索的《格尔尼卡》强调,人们应该继续被战争的恐怖所震撼。

7.The attack of Guernica came on a Monday afternoon. It was market day.对格尔尼卡的袭击发生在一个星期一的下午,恰逢集市。

8.Although Guernica was created in 1937, the universal truth of the work transcends decades and borders.尽管《格尔尼卡》创作于1937年,但作品反映的普遍真理早已超越了时间,超越了国界。

9.They would also be involved in controversial civipan bombing, such as the bombing of the towns of Bilbo and Guernica in 1937.他们并且会被牵涉于有争议的平民轰炸中,比如1937年Bilbo和Guernica镇的轰炸。

10.Yes, you get a thrill at first from shiny new cars and TV screens the size of Picasso's Guernica.是的,你在第一次闪亮的新车,并从电视屏幕上的毕加索的格尔尼卡年夜小的豪情。