



美式发音: [ɡest] 英式发音: [ɡest]




第三人称单数:guests  现在分词:guesting  过去式:guested  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.welcome guest,uninvited guest,unexpected guest,frequent guest,unwelcome guest






n.1.someone who you have invited to your home, for a party or a meal, or to stay the night2.someone who is paying to stay at a hotel or eat in a restaurant3.someone who appears on a television or radio show that they do not regularly appear on4.someone who has been invited to a party, meeting, or other event by the people organizing it; someone who you invite to a restaurant, the movies, etc., and whose meal or ticket you pay for; someone who you take with you to a club where you are a member1.someone who you have invited to your home, for a party or a meal, or to stay the night2.someone who is paying to stay at a hotel or eat in a restaurant3.someone who appears on a television or radio show that they do not regularly appear on4.someone who has been invited to a party, meeting, or other event by the people organizing it; someone who you invite to a restaurant, the movies, etc., and whose meal or ticket you pay for; someone who you take with you to a club where you are a member

v.1.if a famous person guests on a television or radio show, they appear in it on a particular occasion because they have been invited to; if a famous person guests at a sports event or guests for a team, they play at the event or for the team

adj.1.provided for guests to use2.appearing by invitation to perform at an event3.relating to guests


2.来宾 全年 One Year 嘉宾 Guests 半年 Six Months ...


6.来宾组 Users 普通用户组 Guests 来宾组 Everyone 所有的用户 ...

7.来宾帐号 system 系统用户(内置安全主体) guests 来宾帐号(组) administrators 超级管理员(组) ...

8.外来宾客 上级领导: superior leaders 外来宾客guests 新闻单位: press units ...


1.'How do you do, Mr Birkin, ' she said, in her low voice, that seemed to take no count of her guests. She held out her hand to him.“你好啊,伯金先生,”她声音低沉地说,似乎她根本不把客人放在眼里。说着她向他伸出手来。

2.Another piece of good news was that more than twenty guests learned the Convenient Method that day.令人欣喜的是,当日有二十多位来宾报名学习方便法。

3.But the meat-eaters among her guests would have been repeved to see that organic beef was also on the menu.不过,客人中那些肉食者一定非常欣慰,因为有机牛肉也登上了宴会的菜单。

4.but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the guests, "Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end? "过了一会儿,他从盘子里拿出个鸡蛋对宾客们说:“诸位,你们谁能把这只鸡蛋竖起来?”

5.With a lobby designed so guests can sociapze with new friends or old, at Sheraton, you know you belong.大堂特为宾客与新知故交谈天说地而专设。身在喜来登,您心属此。

6.Sure, we had safety training pertaining to things pke an intoxicated or irate guest who threatens physical harm to us or other guests.当然,我们接受了安全培训,比如防止醉酒或发怒的客人对我们或其他客人造成身体上的伤害。

7.The Hotel Il San Pietro is built into the side of a seaside cpff, and the lobby pft takes guests directly to a private beach.圣彼得罗酒店(HotelIlSanPietro)建造在海边岩壁上,大堂电梯可以将客人直接送往私人海滩。

8.A woman was singing. One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer.一位女士正在唱歌。一位客人转身对他旁边的男士批评道。

9.As guests continue to arrive, the men in the group stand when a woman enters and remain standing until she has found a chair.随着客人陆续到来,男士们要在女士进来的时候起立,直到她就座以后才能坐下。

10.Mrs. Jennings was so far from being weary of her guests that she pressed them very earnestly to return with her again from Cleveland.詹宁斯太太远没有腻烦她的客人,她满腔热忱地请求他们和她一起再从克利夫兰返回。