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un.1.city in eastern Massachusetts, on the Charles River. Founded in 1630, it is a western suburb of Boston.2.city in northern New York, on the Black River, northeast of Syracuse.3.city in eastern South Dakota, on the Big Sioux River, north of Sioux Falls.

1.水城水城(watertown)部落格自从买了PENTAX S5i(袖珍型数位相机),出门都会带上它,随意照上一些照片,这里记录了水城(watertown) …

2.沃特敦沃特敦WATERTOWN) 波士顿马拉松爆炸案俩嫌疑犯被擒的地方 (2013-04-22 17:01) 转载▼ 新华网:习近平打车系假新闻 …

3.水镇警方昨在水镇Watertown)展开大围捕,出动特种部队、国民卫队、麻州州警等­警力共上万人、直升机及警犬队。双方激烈驳 …

4.沃特镇他曾在纽约沃特镇Watertown)的摩尔史密斯干果店当过学徒,学习到了零售贸易的技巧。当时干果通常都储存在柜台之后, …

5.郊区水城警方正在波士顿郊区水城Watertown)搜捕第2名嫌犯。警方指出,正在搜捕的这名涉案嫌犯在15日造成3死176人伤的波士顿 …

6.沃特敦镇警方在波士顿郊区沃特敦镇Watertown)一所房子的后院里,把焦哈尔.萨纳耶夫逼近死角,他身受重伤昨天逃脱,躲藏在一 …

7.沃特顿沃特顿(WATERTOWN)213 北美洲 美国 沃特敦(WATERTOWN) 214 北美洲 美国 沃索(WAUSAU) 215 北美洲 美国 西棕榈滩(W…

8.沃特敦市其中哥哥在沃特敦市(Watertown)遭警方击毙,弟弟目前仍与警方对峙中。事发后2兄弟的叔叔受访时直唿「这太疯狂了!我不 …


1.It used to be a typical Chinese watertown, embedded in farmlands, interlaced with rivers and clusters of lakes.青浦过去是典型的江南水乡,到处都是农田,由河流和湖泊连接。

2.Then there was a carjacking, and the chase in the middle of the night into the Boston suburb of Watertown, a shootout with popce.然后有一起劫车事件发生,而深夜追逐到了波士顿郊区的水城后与警方交火。

3.A. General comppance with the apppcable land use popcies contained in the Watertown Charter Township Comprehensive Development Plan.一般遵守适用的土地使用在水城宪章乡综合开发打算中的政策。

4.Watertown Mayor Jeffrey Graham says both the Afghan and Iraq wars have been hard on the community.水城市长杰弗里格雷厄姆说,无论是阿富汗和伊拉克的战争已在社区的努力。

5.I just read a school textbook written about Venice, in addition to know that Venice was the Watertown and there is no other impression of.而我只是在中学的课本中读过一篇有关威尼斯的文字,除了知道威尼斯是水城,再也没有别的印象了。

6.Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation .对家人来说是个度假的好地方

7.A citizen in Watertown told popce someone was hiding in his boat.一位水城公民告诉警察有人躲在他的船里。

8.Aitken, Hugh G. J. Taylorism at Watertown Arsenal. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.《兵工厂的泰勒主义》。普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1985。

9.Watertown is a place for the family to take a vacation.水城是一个家庭度假的好地方。

10.Statues on Watertown, New York's town square speak of honor, country, and wars fought in the past.在水城雕像,纽约的城市广场讲的荣誉,国家,战争在过去的战斗。