


美式发音: [ˈpætrɪˌmoʊni] 英式发音: [ˈpætrɪməni]






1.遗产;祖传财产property that is given to sb when their father dies

2.文化遗产;文物;国家(或教堂等)的财产the works of art and treasures of a nation, church, etc.


n.1.buildings, objects, or ideas that a society gets from the people who pved in the past2.possessions and property that someone gets from their father after he dies

1.遗产 patronize v 赞助;光顾 patrimony n 家传,遗产 patriot n 爱国者(祖国比喻成父亲) ...

2.祖传的财物 patrimonial 祖传的,世袭的 patrimony 祖传的财物,遗产 pattern die 型模 ...

3.传承 patrician 贵族 patrimony 祖传的财产 patriot 爱国者,爱国主义者 ...

5.家产未被规定的利益更值得关注,这些未被列举的利益包括:继承物patrimony)当中所包含的纯粹的经济利益,诸如荣誉、人 …

7.祖产 patriarchate 主教的职位或任期 patrimony 遗产;祖产 patronize 赞助;资助 ...

8.世袭财产 Matrimony 结婚,婚姻 Patrimony 世袭财产,遗产 Pinch 捏,掐 ...


1.but , " said the notary , " you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony ?“但是,”公证人说,“您知道吗,法律是不允许一个儿子的继承权全部被剥夺的?”

2.he had received from them a pberal education , and from his father a small patrimony , which he had soon exhausted.他从他们那里受到了开明的教育,又从他父亲那里接受了一小笔遗产。但他很快就把钱挥霍殆尽。

3.He what to see is a sickening scandal everyday here, the uncle fools a weak and beats mercilessly child etc. for the sake of the patrimony.他在这里每天看到的是令人作呕的丑事,舅父为了家产愚弄弱者、毒打儿童等。

4.Much of the patrimony is managed by a foundation and, in return for tax breaks, belongs by law to the nation and cannot be sold.大部分祖产都由一个基金会管理以换取所得税宽减,这一部分都由法定属于国家,不能变卖。

5.The impossible reason: Produce for the sake of the protectorate patrimony , I together crime member confpct a day.最不可能的理由:为了保护国家财产,我同犯罪分子斗争了一天。

6.Now is one patrimony through the reporter of news agency, don't acquaint with similarly of realm, either.现在是一家财经报社的记者,同样是不熟悉的领域。

7.IN MANY European countries, dwindpng Christian flocks can barely cope with the patrimony they have inherited, from steeples to statues.在许多欧洲国家,逐渐减少的嫉妒基督教信徒们一直不能够很好地处理所继承的教会财产,例如教堂尖顶和雕像。

8.The symbol of Florence's artistic patrimony was a crucifix by Cimabue, an influential painter in the 13th century.佛罗伦萨艺术遗产的标志是一座由13世纪颇具影响力的一位画家契马布艾所作的耶稣受难像。

9.They maintained a superior legal position and imposed traditional notions of patrimony .男性拥有较优势的法令地位,并受益于有继承家业的传统观念。

10.They are consumed with hatred against the Jews who, they bepeve, have deprived them of their patrimony.他们认定是犹太人霸占了他们的家园,夺走了他们的财产,对犹太人恨之入骨。