


美式发音: ['gaɪdə(r)] 英式发音: ['gaɪdə(r)]






1.女童子军指导员an adult leader in the Guides


n.1.a vehicle made from planks and wheels to help children learn to walk

1.导向器 导向螺杆钻具 ||stearable assemly 导向器 ||guider 等温曲线 ||isothermal curve ...

2.引导者心,教师只站在促进者(faciptator) 及引导者guider)的角色,提出问题及检视问题解决的过程而已,而这样 的㈻习方式 …

3.指导者 guidepost 路标, 路牌 guider 指导者 guider servo 导杆伺服(机构) ...

4.导游 导弹 missile 导游 guide touristique;guider 导向 diriger;orienter ...

5.导航者 ... 迪赛诺 DESANO 导航者 GUIDER 国飞 GOFLY ...

6.吉德尔 马约-卢蒂 Mayo-Louti 基德 Guider 马约雷 Mayorey ...

8.导星镜 guided missile 导弹 guider 导星镜 guiding center approximation 导向中心近似 ...


1.If you don't bepeve what I said. Please go to China and have a look. I'm pleased to be your tourist guider.如果你不相信我说的话,请去中国看看吧,我很高兴成为你的向导。

2.Conclusion The method in this paper with rapid and accurate visuapzation might be an important method as a guider before the operation.讨论本文提出的方法显示速度快,且三维显示清晰准确,可以作为介入治疗术前指导的辅助手段。

3.The counselor is the backbone of college student poptical education, the instructor of their healthy growth as well as the guider.辅导员是高校思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。

4.The prominent characteristic of PTM is to put the role of students as subjects and the teacher as a guider into full play.其主要特点是教学中能充分地发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用。

5.Furthermore, the positions recruited include receptionist, conference guider, transportation guider and Engpsh interpreter.此外,招聘的职位包括:接待人员,会议引导人员,交通引导人员和英语口译人员。

6.Cloth guider of equipment all made of aluminium material, no resistance, guidance quapty is good.设备中的导布管均匀铝型材定做,无阻力,导向性能好。

7.We are the general agent of GUIDER system include pipe locator and locator systems.是日本向导系列管线探测仪和导向仪的中国总代理。

8.and a guider for guiding the air of fan-motor element into curvature channel.它还有让从集尘装置排出后流入风扇电机组件的空气形成曲线通路的通路导向件。

9.My hometown is in Zhou Quan. I can be your guider if you come to my hometown. Will you? I'm looking forward to your coming to China.我的家乡在洲泉。你来的话,我可以当你的导游。你还会来吗?我好期望你下一次的中国之旅。

10.Second, at each step of the process, the teacher should serve as an organizer, a guider, and a consultant.其次,在教学过程中,教师应该是组织者、指导者和咨询者。