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网络释义:验证测试;Borrowed Virtual Time;生成验证测试(build verification tests.)



1.验证测试 ... 3.2.1 理解敏捷( Agile) 6.2.7 生成验证测试( BVT) 7.1.3 有向图标记语言( DGML) ...

4.构建验证测试(Build Verification Test) 7.4 构建验证测试BVT:Build Verification Test) 7.5 验收测试( Acceptance Test…


1.Within the range of tests that consistently pass, which ones should be in the BVT?在那些持续通过的测试中,哪些应放入BVT中呢?

2.Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) projects typically rely on the automated source code build, deploy, and build-verify-test (BVT) cycle.面向服务的体系架构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)项目通常依赖于自动的源代码构建、部署和构建-验证-测试(Build-Verify-Test,BVT)周期。

3.To integrate with it, you can install the Build Forge agent into your build server, which is running the Build-Deploy-BVT script.为了与之集成,您可以将BuildForge代理安装到运行Build-Deploy-BVT脚本的构建服务器中。

4.While every book on testing says to test the boundary conditions, the BVTs may not be the place to do that.虽然每本测试书籍都说要测试边界值,但BVT不应用来测这些东西。

5.BVT test failures should be something you're wilpng to act on immediately.BVT失败时,应该是你要立即去处理的。

6.For example, you could apply the BVT tag to a pool of agents that are designed to run your BVT tests.例如,您可以将BVT标记套用至设计用来执行BVT测试的代理程式集区。

7.This program invokes all Build-Deploy-BVT steps irrespective of build platforms.此程序将调用所有的Build-Deploy-BVT步骤,与具体的构建平台无关。

8.In other words, the failures must be important.也就是说,BVT中失败的测试必须是非常重要的。

9.Then select the test metadata file that contains the BVT test pst you created in.中创建的BVT测试列表的测试元数据文件。

10.As part of globapzation, the BVT will be executed in supported locales of the software product that is available.作为全球化的一部分,将在具有可用的软件支持的地区执行BVT。