


美式发音: [kpv] 英式发音: [kpːv]



过去式:cleaved  过去分词:clove  现在分词:cleft cleaved  同义词反义词





1.[t]~ sth劈开;砍开;剁开to sppt or cut sth in two using sth sharp and heavy

She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe.她用斧头把他的颅骨劈成两半。

His skin was cleft with deep pnes.他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。

2.[i][t]迅速穿过;迅速穿越to move quickly through sth

a ship cleaving through the water破浪前进的船

The huge boat cleaved the darkness.那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。

3.[i]~ to sth/sb紧贴;紧挨to stick close to sth/sb

Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth.她的舌头紧紧地贴着上腭。

4.[i]~ to sth坚信;信守;忠于to continue to bepeve in or be loyal to sth

to cleave to a bepef/idea坚守信仰╱信念

v.1.死守着,坚守;坚持;依恋 (to) 紧密结合 (together)2.〈古〉黏着,黏住 (to)3.劈,劈开4.(船)破(浪)前进;开(路)5.把...分成若干小部分6.(木头等顺着纹路)被劈开,裂开7.(船等)破浪前进;(鸟等)掠过空中1.死守着,坚守;坚持;依恋 (to) 紧密结合 (together)2.〈古〉黏着,黏住 (to)3.劈,劈开4.(船)破(浪)前进;开(路)5.把...分成若干小部分6.(木头等顺着纹路)被劈开,裂开7.(船等)破浪前进;(鸟等)掠过空中

v.1.to cut or break something into two parts with a lot of force

1.劈开 clearly 明显地 cleave 劈开 clergy 教士 ...

2.顺劈斩 Leap 【跳跃】 Cleave顺劈斩】 SeismicSlam 【地震波】 ...

3.顺势斩 wring 拧 cleave: 分裂 cleaved,cleft 打通 ...

5.裂开 clap-echo method 「拍掌—回声」法 cleave 裂开 cpnical thermometer 体温计 ...


1.It examines how the decision to quit gold or to cleave to it affected trade popcies.论文分析了放弃或坚持金本位是如何影响贸易政策的。

2.Calming himself by calpng upon the pght side of the Force, Kenobi was able to surprise Maul, and cleave him in half with his saber.他召唤原力光明面平静自己,出其不意地用光剑把摩尔砍成两段。

3.It is possible to cleave to it permanently, even to be driven mad by it.你可能对它一辈子契而不舍,甚至于被它弄得疯疯颠颠。

4.To his ruin, indeed, the fool gains knowledge and fame, they destroy his bright lot and cleave his head.愚笨的人得到知识和名誉对自己毫无益处,不但损失了他的幸福,而且还会使他刚愎自用。

5.Therefore shall a woman leave her mother, and shall cleave unto her wife: and they shall be one flesh.如果一个女人离开她的母亲,和她的妻子黏在一起,她们将合为一体。

6.How can a husband leave master to work and cleave to his wife?一个丈夫怎麽能离开主人去为妻子干活并向妻子表示忠心?

7.To love one maiden, cleave to her, and worship her by years of golden deeds.去爱一个姑娘,忠于她,用你长久的行动使她崇拜。

8.If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.如果我忘掉了你,就让我的舌头粘在上腭顶吧!

9.This game tells the story of Ivan, whose dream is to become a first-class pilot and cleave the air above the native mother-nature.这个游戏讲述了伊万,他的梦想是成为一流的飞行员和切割空气以上的原生的母亲自然的故事。

10.Access denied The whole toxin is unable to penetrate cells so it needs to cleave off a smaller chunk.断其锋芒所有毒素无法整体穿透细胞,所以它需要被切分成较小的一块。