


美式发音: [ giˈjoʊm] 英式发音: [ˌɡi:ˈjəum]




na.1.Guillaume , Charles Edouard 查利吉永

1.吉约姆 休伦( Huron) 吉约姆Guillaume) 托勒密( Ptolemy) ...

2.贵龙姆 Guillermo( 贵乐默) Guillaume( 贵龙姆) Griffith( 葛里菲兹) ...

3.尧姆练习有时是不可缺少的。但这种批评只是针对过度使用部分法,而不是指纪 尧姆Guillaume)所说的段落之间具有真正功能 …



1.The film is directed by Guillaume Canet, better known as an actor in films pke "The Beach" .影片的导演是吉约姆卡内,他更出名的是饰演了《海滩》中的一个角色。

2."Guillaume has my full support, " he said, adding that he hoped Mr Rambourg would be back at work within a month.盖伊表示:“我鼎力支持纪尧姆。”他说,希望纪尧姆一个月内能够回来工作。

3.Well, the treasury has just let it to Guillaume Apxandre, historian, for six hires, eight sols, parisian, a year.好,财政部刚刚把它租给了历史学家居约姆·亚历山大,租金每年六个巴黎里弗零八个索尔。

4.Guillaume Patry: Being able to concentrate when playing in front of many people if very important to be a good gamer.在众人面前可以集中经历进行比赛,是作为一个优秀的玩家是非常重要的。

5.In a radio address, Guillaume Soro, Mr. Ouattara's prime minister, said his government would work on rebuilding a united country.瓦塔拉政府的总理索罗(GuillaumeSoro)在电台讲话中说,他的政府会重建一个统一的国家。

6.The most well known French chef of the Middle Ages was Guillaume Tirel, also known as Taillevent.最有名的法国大厨的中世纪是纪尧姆Tirel,也被称为Taillevent。

7.Guillaume Soro, Mr Ouattara's premier, argues the crisis began when Mr Gbagbo refused to concede defeat.瓦塔拉政府的总理纪尧姆•索罗(GuillaumeSoro)辩称,危机的起因是巴博拒绝承认失败。

8.Drogba was given a hero's welcome by New Forces general secretary and new Ivory Coast Prime Minister Guillaume Soro.德罗巴受到了新军的总书记和新的象牙海岸总理纪尧姆.索罗的英雄式欢迎。

9.The last person who drew water from the well was named Guillaume van Kylsom.到那井里取水的最后一个人叫威廉·范·吉耳逊。

10.Prime Minister Guillaume Soro has been asked to form a new government.总理纪尧姆萦罗已经受命去组织新的政府。