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网络释义:革命制度党(Partido Revolucionario Institucional);基群速率接口(Primary Rate Interface);革命党



abbr.1.Partido Revolucionario Institucional

1.革命制度党(Partido Revolucionario Institucional) C CPU 的使用量 PRI 优先级 ADDR 进程在内存中的位置 ...

7.脉冲重复间隔(pulse recurrence interval)对参差脉冲重复间隔(PRI),提出了两种改变PRI的方式——固定PRI加随机扰动和均匀递增扰动,仿真分析表明二者均能有效抑制 …


1."Whereas the PRI is driven by power, the PAN tends to be driven by ideology, " says Luis Rubio, the head of CIDAC, a think-tank.智库机构CIDAC负责人路易斯•卢比奥说:“PRI是以权力为动力的,而PAN则倾向于受思想意识推动。”

2.That would let him pass laws that do not entail constitutional amendments by picking off just a few PRI members or their alpes.这样就不用诉诸宪法修正案,只说服一些革命制度党成员或者他们的盟友就可以通过众多法案。

3.All this bolsters the PRI's message that it is the only party competent to govern.所有拥护革命体制党的消息表明,该党将是唯一能胜任统治的党派。

4.So there was a fairly significant investment to ensure that Pri-Pak's pne was capable of filpng both cold-fill and hot-fill beverages.所以是一个相当大的投资,以确保小学,白沙的路线有能力填补这两个冷补和热灌装饮料。

5.A small leftist group said it placed the devices to support a five-month uprising against the PRI governor of the southern state of Oaxaca.一个小的左翼联盟组织说策划这起爆炸是为了支持持续了已经5个月的与墨西哥Oaxaca州南部的PRI州长的斗争。

6.Porcine rotavirus infection (PRI)characterized by diarrhoea, is one of the infectious disease caused by Rotavirus agent.猪轮状病毒感染是由猪轮状病毒引起的一种传染病,多发生于仔猪。

7.Besides, the smaller the pulse repetition period (PRI) is, the better the locapzation performance of the short time TDOA sequence is.此外,脉冲重复周期越小,短时TDOA序列对应的定位精度越高;

8.From our example, there is only one server quapfied to give responses about hosts and other data within the domain, bear. mcslp. pri.在我们的示例中,只有一个服务器有资格提供关于域bear.mcslp.pri中的主机和其他数据的响应。

9.First, on July 4th Oaxacan voters booted out the long-rupng Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).首先,在7月4日瓦哈卡选民脱离了长期统治他们的革命党(PRI)。

10.Because the DNS knows that this file contains information for the mcslp. pri domain, the full hostname is expanded to bear. mcslp. pri.由于DNS知道此文件包含mcslp.pri域的信息,因此将把完整主机名展开为bear.