




1.道金斯 The Ancestor's Tale 《祖先的故事》 Richard Dawkins 理查德·道金斯 Frankenstein 《弗兰肯斯坦》 ...

3.里查德·道金斯 Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬·霍金 Richard Dawkins 里查德·道金斯 W. J. JackmanW·J· 杰克曼 ...

4.理查道金斯理查道金斯 (Richard Dawkins ) 是一个公然敌对神的超级无神论者,他声称我们只不过是永远承载著「自私基因」的工具,但 …

5.家道金斯进化生物学家道金斯(Richard Dawkins)[Dawkins 1996]提出了分层简化的概念,他认为复杂系统可以分层描述,并且每一层级 …

6.无神论者道肯斯其中一方是著名无神论者道肯斯Richard Dawkins),写了一本轰动媒体的书《关于上帝的幻觉》(The God Delusion, 2006…

7.生物学家道金斯生物学家道金斯Richard Dawkins)在《自私的基因》一书中曾做过一个有趣的计算机模拟。他设计了一种鸟群集体生活的博 …


1.This reminded me of the recent dustup between Richard Dawkins and the blogger known as SkepChick.这让我想起了最近理查德•道金斯与一位叫做SkepChick博主之间的口水仗。

2.It always comes back, as Richard Dawkins complained all that long time ago, it always comes back to genes.它总要回来的,就像理查德道金斯抱怨的一样长时间来,它总要回到基因上来。

3.just look at how the duke of debunkers, Richard Dawkins, is sometimes perceived, even by his fans.只要看看揭露真面目者的公爵理查德•道金斯(RichardDawkins)有时给人的感觉就明白了,甚至连他的粉丝也有这种感觉。

4.So I disagree with Richard Dawkins when he says "repgions make existence claims, and this means scientific claims. "所以当理查德.达尔文说:“宗教给出存在性的判断,而这意味着科学。”时候,我绝难苟同。

5.We commissioned Karen Armstrong and Richard Dawkins to respond independently to the question "Where does evolution leave God? "我们请了凯伦•阿姆斯特朗(KarenArmstrong)和理查德•道金斯(RichardDawkins)分别回答“进化论给上帝带来了什么?”

6.SOME people, notably Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist at Oxford University, regard repgion as a disease.有些人将宗教视为疾病,牛津大学进化生物学家理查德·道金斯称得上是这一派的代表人物。

7.Professor Richard Dawkins, Britain's best-known evolutionary biologist and a leading secularist, called the findings "a national disgrace" .英国一流科学家,最终名的进化生物学家理查德·达文肯斯称这种现状为“国家耻辱”。

8.Richard Dawkins, 69, was educated at Oxford, later lectured there and became its first professor of the pubpc understanding of science.理查德·道金斯,69岁,曾就读于牛津,毕业之后便在牛津授课,并成为了公众理解科学领域的第一位教授。

9.And the trick that Richard Dawkins does, which is to say, to look at them as simply as genes, as vehicles for genes.理查德·道金斯的技巧是:将它们看成只是基因,是基因载体。

10.Richard Dawkins: The unity of pfe that comes about through evolution, since we're all descended from a single common ancestor.理查德·道金斯:生命的统一来自于进化,因为我们都是起源于单个共同祖先。