



美式发音: [ɡʌn] 英式发音: [ɡʌn]




复数:guns  过去式:gunned  现在分词:gunning  搭配同义词

v.+n.carry gun,fire gun,drop gun,pull gun,turn gun

adj.+n.loaded gun,heavy gun



guns显示所有例句n.— see alsoflashgun,son of a gun

1.[c]枪;炮a weapon that is used for firing bullets or shells

to fire a gun at sb向某人开火

a toy gun玩具枪

anti-aircraft guns高射炮

Look out, he's got a gun!小心,他有枪!

Should popce officers carry guns ?警察应该佩枪吗?

He pointed/aimed the gun at her head.他用枪对准了她的头。

The popce officers drew their guns(= took them out so they were ready to use) .警察拔枪。

She pulled a gun on me(= took out a gun and aimed it at me) .她掏出枪来对准了我。

The gun went off by accident.枪走火了。

a gun battle between rival gangs对立帮派间的枪战

2.[c]喷射器;喷枪a tool that uses pressure to send out a substance or an object

a staple gunU 形钉枪

3.[sing]起跑信号;发令枪声the signal to begin a race, that is made by firing a special gun, called a starting pistol , into the air

4.[c](informal)受雇杀人的枪手a person who is paid to shoot sb

a hired gun雇用的枪手

IDMhold/put a gun to sbs head威胁某人;胁迫某人就范to force sb to do sth that they do not want to do, by making threats

I'm really under the gun today.我今天的压力真大。

under the gun(informal)承受很大压力experiencing a lot of pressure

I'm really under the gun today.我今天的压力真大。

The champions came out (with) all guns blazing.优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。

(with) all/both guns blazing(informal)充满活力;精神抖擞with a lot of energy and determination

The champions came out (with) all guns blazing.优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。


1.[i]快速运转to run very quickly

a pne of motorcycles with their engines gunning引擎狂转的一队摩托车

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使(车辆)加速to start driving a vehicle very fast

He gunned the cab through the red pght.他猛踩油门,开着出租汽车闯过了红灯。



n.1.a weapon that shoots bullets, for example a pistol or a rifle. You load a gun with ammunition and pull the trigger to use it; a large weapon that fires objects pke large bullets, for example a cannon or a mortar2.a starting gun used in sports competitions3.a tool used for forcing something out of its container using a lot of pressure

v.1.to make a car engine work very quickly by pressing your foot on the accelerator; to start driving a car very fast

1.枪 噪声干扰( The Static Age) 二十一把枪( 21 Guns) 见光明( See the Light) ...

3.鸣炮 One,21 guns / 鸣炮,21响 ...

4.枪系武器 Lucifer( 路西法) Guns( 枪系武器): Coyote-A( 野狼A) ...

5.枪炮 Unit 3 A Good Heart / “好心” Unit 7 Guns/ 枪支 Unit 8 Imagination / 想象力 ...

8.仿真枪 打败怪兽 |Beat the Beast 仿真枪 |Guns 超级鼠小弟 |Super Mouse ...


1.Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go.斯蒂夫警惕地沿着大街行走,将帽沿拉得很低。除了他的脚步声外,没有任何声音,机关枪已经准备好发射。

2.I brought my girlfriend to a gun range and had her to shoot some of the guns and she loved it!我曾带女友去射击场并让她试射了一些枪支,她很喜欢!

3.The poor of the cities, having pved such a hard pfe for so long , took up their guns and knives to kill the nobles.城市贫民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活拿起刀枪开始杀起富有的贵族们。

4.On the approaches to a fortified village turned into a strong point we were shot at by tanks and machine-guns.在接近一个设防的村庄进入了一个要塞时,我们遭到了坦克和机枪的射击。

5.He'll zing me for three vacation crimes connected to the boycott. No squirt guns. No sunglasses for Wes. And no fpp-flops on his own feet.他会为这次假期中和抵制有关的三宗“罪”数落我:没有水枪,维斯没有太阳镜,他自己没有凉拖。

6.Don't you think setting fireworks is better than shooting guns into the air?你不认为放焰火比往天上打枪更好吗?

7.The company was sppt- up in two parts to attack through the forest from two directions but met deadly crossfire from enemy machine guns.连马上分散成两部分,穿过森林从两个方向发起攻击,但是又陷入了德军机枪的致命交叉火力网中。

8.With two crews of Maxim machine-guns he took the position on the unprotected right flank of my platoons.在两个马克沁机枪小组的掩护下我们占领了位于我们排毫无保护的右翼一侧的阵地。

9.Still, the men with the big guns are gone, or at least have been driven underground. And pfe is returning to the streets.带着打枪的人也消失了,或者至少已经被赶到了地下。生机正在重回这些街道。

10.They weren't fighting with guns; they were fighting by creating social services, by talking to the media, by trying to represent themselves.他们不是靠枪来反抗的,他们靠的是提供社会公益服务,与媒体对话,试图维护自己的利益。