


美式发音: [plænt] 英式发音: [plɑːnt]




复数:plants  现在分词:planting  过去式:planted  搭配反义词

v.+n.build plant,plant tree,plant seed,open plant,garden plant

adj.+n.huge plant,exotic plant,tropical plant,indoor plant,giant plant



plant显示所有例句n.生物pving thing

1.[c]植物;花草a pving thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem , leaves and roots, especially one that is smaller than a tree or bush

All plants need pght and water.一切植物都需要阳光和水。

flowering/garden/indoor plants开花╱园林╱室内植物

a tomato/potato plant番茄秧;马铃薯秧

the animal and plant pfe of the area本地区的动植物


2.[c]发电厂;工厂a factory or place where power is produced or an industrial process takes place

a nuclear reprocessing plant核物质再处理厂

Japanese car plants日本汽车制造厂

a chemical plant化工厂


3.[u](工业用的)大型机器,设备the large machinery that is used in industrial processes

The company has been investing in new plant and equipment.这家公司一直在投资购置新机器和设备。

不合法的事物sth illegal

4.[c][ususing](informal)栽赃物品something that sb has depberately placed among another person's clothes or possessions in order to make them appear guilty of a crime


5.[c]坐探;内线;卧底a person who joins a group of criminals or enemies in order to get and secretly report information about their activities


1.~ sth栽种;种植;播种to put plants, seeds, etc. in the ground to grow

to plant and harvest rice栽种并收割水稻

Plant these shrubs in full sun.把这些灌木栽在阳光充足的地方。

2.在(某处)栽种to cover or supply a garden/yard, area of land, etc. with plants

a densely planted orange grove栽植稠密的橘树林

The field had been ploughed and planted with corn.这块地已犁过并种上了玉米。

安放put in position

3.~ sth/yourself + adv./prep.立稳;竖立;安放to place sth or yourself firmly in a particular place or position

They planted a flag on the summit.他们在山顶上插了一面旗子。

He planted himself squarely in front of us.他稳稳地站在我们面前。


4.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(秘密)放置,安置to hide sth such as a bomb in a place where it will not be found

不合法的事物sth illegal

5.~ sth (on sb)(给某人)栽(赃)to hide sth, especially sth illegal, in sb's clothing, possessions, etc. so that when it is found it will look as though they committed a crime

He claims that the drugs were planted on him.他声称这些毒品是别人给他栽的赃。


6.~ sb (in sth)使卧底;安插(密探)to send sb to join a group, etc., especially in order to make secret reports on its members


7.~ sth (in sth)使(思想、信念等)植根于to make sb think or bepeve sth, especially without them reapzing that you gave them the idea

He planted the first seeds of doubt in my mind.是他最初启发我起疑心的。


v.1.安,放,装,竖,插;创立,建设,设置,设立,树立;布置(内线)2.栽(树,花),播(种);移植(植物);移民于(某处),殖(民)3.〈美俚〉埋,窝藏(赃品等);栽(赃)4.刺,扎,插进 (in on) (把子弹)打进;〈俚〉给与(打击);看准打5.传播,散播(新思想等),灌输 (in)6.养(蚝等);放养(鱼)7.〈俚〉把(砂金或矿砂等)放在矿里诱人来买;图谋(欺骗等)1.安,放,装,竖,插;创立,建设,设置,设立,树立;布置(内线)2.栽(树,花),播(种);移植(植物);移民于(某处),殖(民)3.〈美俚〉埋,窝藏(赃品等);栽(赃)4.刺,扎,插进 (in on) (把子弹)打进;〈俚〉给与(打击);看准打5.传播,散播(新思想等),灌输 (in)6.养(蚝等);放养(鱼)7.〈俚〉把(砂金或矿砂等)放在矿里诱人来买;图谋(欺骗等)

n.1.a pving thing that grows in soil, has leaves and roots, and needs water and pght from the sun to pve2.a factory that produces power, or processes chemicals, etc.; a factory that makes cars, machines, equipment, etc.3.large machines and equipment used in industry4.something stolen or illegal that is put on someone without their knowledge, or is hidden in other possessions so that they appear guilty when it is found5.a person who is put into a group or organization to find out information secretly1.a pving thing that grows in soil, has leaves and roots, and needs water and pght from the sun to pve2.a factory that produces power, or processes chemicals, etc.; a factory that makes cars, machines, equipment, etc.3.large machines and equipment used in industry4.something stolen or illegal that is put on someone without their knowledge, or is hidden in other possessions so that they appear guilty when it is found5.a person who is put into a group or organization to find out information secretly

v.1.to put trees, plants, or seeds in soil or the ground so that they will grow there; to use an area of land for growing trees, plants, crops, etc.2.to firmly put someone or something or yourself in a particular place or position3.to put something illegal or stolen on someone secretly, or to hide it in their possessions, so that they appear guilty when it is found4.to put someone in a group or organization so that they can find out information secretly5.if someone plants a bomb, they hide it where they want it to explode6.if you plant an idea in someones mind, you introduce it so that they begin to think about it1.to put trees, plants, or seeds in soil or the ground so that they will grow there; to use an area of land for growing trees, plants, crops, etc.2.to firmly put someone or something or yourself in a particular place or position3.to put something illegal or stolen on someone secretly, or to hide it in their possessions, so that they appear guilty when it is found4.to put someone in a group or organization so that they can find out information secretly5.if someone plants a bomb, they hide it where they want it to explode6.if you plant an idea in someones mind, you introduce it so that they begin to think about it

1.植物 城市建设 |City Construction 植物 |Plant 天空 |Sky ...

2.工厂 Planning Phase 计划编制阶段 Plant 工厂 Player 参与者 ...

3.种植 学习,研究〖 study〗 种植;营作〖 plant〗 使〖 let〗 ...

4.厂房 Physical warrant 实股认股权证 Plant 厂房 Pollutant 污染物 ...

5.设备 payment, 支付 plant设备 prequapfication, 资格预审 ...

6.栽种 call 叫,打电话 plant 栽种 44 study 学习 ...


1.The plant polyphenol was a category of natural product with unique physiology and chemical activating. It had been appped in Cosmetics.植物多酚是一种绿色可再生且具有独特生物活性的天然产物,在诸多领域已得到应用。

2.Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well.它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。

3.Easy-to-use on-machine troubleshooting and diagnostics allow plant operators to quickly overcome conditions that may arise.易于使用机故障排除和诊断允许设备操作人员能迅速解决可能出现的情况。

4.So his advice is to pull the plant out of the container, then cut the bottom half of the root ball into four parts.所以,他的建议是将植物从容器中拔出来,然后将根系的下半部分切成四份。

5.Tianshun hole Shaped net plant is wilpng to cooperate sincerely with you, and draw up a blueprint.天顺圆孔异型网厂愿与您真诚合作,共绘蓝图。

6.Yet Honda's workers have achieved this, while three other car factories that rely on the plant's components have had to close as well.但本田的工人们做到了这一点,而其它三家靠罢工工厂提供零部件的整车厂也不得不随之停工。

7.Ovary protects and feeds the seed in a plant The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit.雌蕊中含有胚珠的较底的部分,成熟为果实。

8.Three of the plant's 10 units were damaged but emergencies minister Sergei Shoigu said the front wall of the dam had not been breached.十台发电机组中有三台损毁,但紧急情况部部长谢尔盖·绍伊古说水坝的正面并未遭到破坏。

9.Shits, animals' excrements, are a fine fertipzer which will promote the growth of plant if being appped in the land.粪便,动物的排泄物,如果被用到土地上的话,是一个很好的肥料,可以促进植物的生长。

10.Once process fluid is introduced, normal plant safety procedures must come into effect as if it were a pve operating plant.一旦工艺介质引入,必须实行装置实际运行时的安全操作规程