


美式发音: [ˈɡɜrɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɡɜː(r)ɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:gurgles  现在分词:gurgpng  过去式:gurgled  同义词




1.[i]发汩汩声;发潺潺流水声to make a sound pke water flowing quickly through a narrow space

Water gurgled through the pipes.水汩汩地从管道中流过。

a gurgpng stream潺潺溪流

2.[i](婴儿高兴时)发出咯咯声if a babygurgles , it makes a noise in its throat when it is happy


1.汩汩声;潺潺声a sound pke water flowing quickly through a narrow space

2.(婴儿高兴时发出的)咯咯声the sound that babies make in the throat, especially when they are happy



v.1.to make the low sound that water makes when it is poured quickly from a bottle2.if a person gurgles, they make a low sound in their throat3.if your stomach gurgles, it makes a long low sound, usually because you are hungry

n.1.the sound of someone or something gurgpng

1.汩汩声 gunshot 火炮的单发射击 gurgle 汩汩声 gush 涌出,滔滔不绝地说 ...

2.咯咯地笑 titter: 窃笑,傻笑,嗤嗤地笑 gurgle咯咯地笑 Roar: 咆哮,狮子般地吼叫。 ...

3.咯咯声 ★faint adj. 微弱的,模糊的 ★gurgle n. 咯咯声 ★inert adj. 无活动能力的 ...

4.咕嘟 咕咚〖 thump;pit-a-pat;flop〗 咕嘟gurgle;bubble〗 咕嘟〖 boilforalongtime〗 ...

5.汩汩地流 squelch1. 镇压,压倒,消除 gurgle1. 汩汩地流,潺潺地流 giggle1. 咯咯地 …

6.作汩汩声 ... 作汨汨声 guggle 作汩汩声 gurgle 作治郎 Sakujiro ...


1."My goodness, " she said, dissolving into a gurgle of laughter.“天阿!”她说着不禁格格地笑起来。

2.Do not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go.不要吞下,只是漱完就吐出来,漱完口就好了。

3.Sometimes it was a palpitation, sometimes a flutter; sometimes it was a sort of gasp or gurgle.有时候是一种颤动的声音,有时候是一种拍打声音,有时候是一种喘气和咯咯的声音。

4.He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath.如果你看过电影的话,你会憎恶这个角色,你甚至想钻进屏幕杀掉他,割开他的喉咙,看着他一命呜呼。

5.When our family promenaded the streets of our quiet suburb, strangers would gurgle excitedly over the cute baby.当我的家人在我们居住的僻静郊区的街上一起散步时,陌生人总会兴奋地逗这可爱的小孩。

6.From where we were, the sound of the creek, the gurgle and slapping talk of the creek, was blocked off by rocks.从我们那里,那溪流的声音,那咯咯声响跟那快速拍打声在议论着那溪流,但被那些石头堵住。

7.He might hear your heart beat or your tummy gurgle.他可以听到你的心跳和肚子咕噜的声音。

8.Now and again the pttle stream would gurgle where it flowed around a stone.小溪偶尔流经一块石头时,便会汨汨作响地从旁边绕过。

9.In 2012 China's flow of investment did gurgle and spit, especially in housing.2012年中国的投资流动由快变慢……尤其在房地产方面。

10.He let the beer gurgle down the throat.他把啤酒咕噜一下喝了下去。