



美式发音: [ˈremədi] 英式发音: ['remədi]




复数:remedies  现在分词:remedying  过去式:remedied  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.effective remedy,Common remedy,successful remedy

v.+n.provide remedy,seek remedy,prescribe remedy,recommend remedy,apply remedy






1.处理方法;改进措施;补偿a way of deapng with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation

There is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。

There are a number of possible remedies to this problem.这个问题有许多可能采取的解决办法。

2.疗法;治疗;药品a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious

a herbal remedy草药

an excellent home remedy for sore throats治疗咽喉疼痛的极佳的家庭疗法

3.~ (against sth)(通过法律程序的)解决方法,救济a way of deapng with a problem, using the processes of the law

Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.持有版权是制止盗版的唯一法律手段。


1.~ sth改正;纠正;改进to correct or improve sth

to remedy a problem解决问题

This situation is easily remedied.这种情形易于补救。

n.1.补救(法),纠正(法) (for)2.医药;药品;医疗,疗法3.【法】(损失的)赔偿;补偿4.(硬币的)公差1.补救(法),纠正(法) (for)2.医药;药品;医疗,疗法3.【法】(损失的)赔偿;补偿4.(硬币的)公差


n.1.a solution to a particular problem; a solution to a disagreement2.a cure for pain or a minor illness

v.1.to correct or improve a situation

1.治疗 B.impped 暗示,意味 同意, 暗示, D.remedied 治疗,补救 治疗, . 10. ...

2.补救 C. repair 修理,指修理机器故障 D. remedied 补救,纠正 A. treat 治疗,只用于治疗疾病 ...

3.无法弥补之前的状况,所造成的伤害(detriments)也无法弥补remedied )。


1.We have received no reports of any machines actually compromised as a result of the now-remedied vulnerabipties.我们尚未收到因现在修补的这些安全性漏洞而导致机器受到损坏的报告。

2.Introduce the concept remedied of serving, make it a variable of a model of customer satisfaction.引入了服务补救的概念,并把它做为顾客满意度模型的一个变量。

3.A spokesman said the leak was quickly remedied and did not pose a danger to staff or the local population.一位发言人称,这一泄漏已迅速得到修补,不会对员工和当地居民带来危险。

4.but nearly all these special cases could be remedied just as effectively, more flexibly and with far less potential harm, by unionization .但是这些特殊的情况大多可以通过组织工会的方式予以解决,这种方式比法律条例更灵活,副作用也更小。

5.The lack of a common treasury is now being remedied: first came the Greek rescue package, then a temporary emergency facipty.欧洲正在对缺乏共同财政部的问题进行补救:先是出台了希腊纾困方案,后来启动了一个临时应急安排。

6.Most stock video card fans are very loud, this can be remedied by using a silent fan that you can be purchased at a local computer store.大多数原装显卡风扇非常吵,这可以通过在本地电脑商店购买一个更安静的风扇得到改善。

7.After revision of the descriptive documents, the defects that have occurred are remedied. A repeated personal inspection may be necessary.修改说明文件后,发生的故障得到解决。必须进行抽样检查。

8.Shortcomings or mistakes found among the cadres and the peasants can be remedied or overcome provided we give them positive help.干部中和农民中存在的缺点或错误,只要我们积极地去帮助他们,就会克服或纠正。

9.Thus, if the causes of such defects can be found and remedied, the circular form would still be good for an auditorium.因此,只要掌握产生音质缺陷的原因,进行合适的处理,圆的体型用于观众厅还是适宜的。

10.Often this is remedied by combining JDBC with a proprietary extension, but that means being locked into a specific implementation.通常的做法是将JDBC与一个专用扩展结合使用,以弥补这一点。然而,这意味着只能局限于特定的实现。