


美式发音: [ˈjɛnzən ] 英式发音: ['jenzən]




un.1.颜生(1.Johannes Vilhelm,1873—1950,丹麦诗人及小说家,曾获1944年诺贝尔文学奖;2.J.Hans D.,1907—,德国物理学家,与Mayer及Wigner合得1963年诺贝尔物理奖)

1.詹森 Rory 罗里 Jensen 延森 Soren 索伦 ...

4.詹森指数 Marcos 玛科斯 Jensen 杰森 Vauxhall 伏克斯豪尔 ...

6.琴生益指标?( ) A,夏普指标(Sharpe) B?詹森指标(Jensen) C,Stutzer 指标 D.算术平均收益率 14,下面哪个不属于三来一补合 …


1.Jensen and his colleagues placed two chimps into separate cages facing one another, with a table in between them that held peanuts.詹森和他的同事们把两个黑猩猩面对面地分别置于两个笼子里,在它们之间的桌子上放了一些花生。

2."It's Mr. Jensen, " said the landlord. "He often stays in room 14. The poor man must be ill. "是延森先生。他总住14号房间,那可怜人一定是病了。

3.Compared with Treynor index, Sharpe index and Jensen index, this paper analyse the correlative coefficient between them.并将结果与经典的特雷诺指数、夏普指数和詹森指数进行了操作上、数值上的比较,分析了两两相关系数。

4."Covert, creeping Islamization" an expression coined by Jensen, has been at the center of the debate for the last two years.“必须转变异类的伊斯兰教信仰”——这是詹森提出的一个口号,过去的两年中这一直是政治辩论的焦点。

5.Run your business pke a business. While other sellers may be keeping less-than-bankers' hours, you need to focus and work, says Jensen.认真经营你的生意Jensen说,当其他的销售者并不是花很多时间在直销上的时候,你需要专注地工作。

6.No good deed goes unpunished(sigh) He sent it to me to send to his fans.好心没好报!(叹气)是Jensen传给我要我贴给他的粉丝看。

7.Jensen: You think it would be you? And it is.你是不是觉得会是你?没错,就是你。

8.I never will understand why fans of Jensen think he would appreciate them being rude to me.我永远都不能理解为什麽Jensen的粉丝觉得他会欣赏这些无礼行为。他一点都没有。

9.The challenge was to create a store interior that could accommodate the diverse range of Georg Jensen products within a single concept.面临的挑战是要建立一个商店内部,可以容纳的产品种类齐全,乔治在一个单一的概念延森。

10.The most advanced and accurate research so far in this area is a now well known paper by Henrik Wann Jensen, inventor of the photon map.最先进和准确迄今在这一领域的研究,现在是一个著名的文件亨里克万琴、发明的光子图。