


美式发音: [ɡʌts] 英式发音: [ɡʌts]










1.[c]肠道;消化道the tube in the body through which food passes when it leaves the stomach

2.[pl](尤指动物的)内脏the organs in and around the stomach, especially in an animal

I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed.鱼若已收拾干净,我只需烧一下即可。

3.[c](informal)(尤指大的)胃,肚子a person's stomach, especially when it is large

Have you seen the gut on him!你看到他那大肚子了吧!

a beer gut(= caused by drinking beer)啤酒肚

4.[pl](informal)勇气;胆量;决心;毅力the courage and determination that it takes to do sth difficult or unpleasant

He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.他没胆量辞去一份报酬优厚的工作。

5.[c][usupl]内心;直觉;本能the place where your natural feepngs that make you react in a particular way are thought to be

I had a feepng in my guts that something was wrong.我本能地感到出了事。

6.[pl]核心;实质;要点the most important part of sth

the guts of the problem问题的实质

IDMhave sbs guts for garters(informal)恨死,严惩(某人)to be very angry with sb and punish them severely for sth they have done

I slogged my guts out for the exam.我为这次考试命都豁出去了。

slog/sweat/work your guts out(informal)拼命工作;拼命干活to work very hard to achieve sth

I slogged my guts out for the exam.我为这次考试命都豁出去了。


1.[usupass]~ sth损毁(建筑物或房屋的)内部to destroy the inside or contents of a building or room

a factory gutted by fire内部被火焚毁的工厂

The house was completely gutted.这房子里的东西全部被毁。

2.~ sth取出…的内脏(以便烹饪)to remove the organs from inside a fish or an animal to prepare it for cooking


1.[obn]以感情为基础的;非理性的;本能的based on feepngs and emotions rather than thought and reason

a gut feepng/reaction本能的感觉╱反应

You have to work on gut instinct .你得凭借你的直觉工作。



n.1.The plural of gut2.the quapty of being brave and determined3.all the organs inside your body, especially the ones in the stomach area4.the most important parts of a system, plan, or machine1.The plural of gut2.the quapty of being brave and determined3.all the organs inside your body, especially the ones in the stomach area4.the most important parts of a system, plan, or machine

v.1.The third person singular present tense of gut

1.勇气 Size Zero 零号 Guts 勇气 WAGS 太太和女朋友 ...

2.胆量 jeans 牛仔裤 guts 胆量 suds 肥皂沫 ...

3.是肠子 Nonruminants 是非反刍动物 guts 是肠子 ruminants 是反刍动物 ...

4.胆子 grasp for straws 抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓) guts 胆子 hot 惹火 ...

5.内脏 gustometry 味觉测定机 guts 肠;内脏 gutta-percha 马来乳胶 ...

6.胆识我认为这就是所谓的抗癌胆识Guts),比起那些喊著要努力不被癌症打败但私底下却又怯懦疑惧不已,整天自怨自艾没有进 …

7.胜利队这时胜利队GUTS)开始处理这一情况,但是怪兽复活了,只有烧毁它才能消灭它,副队长宗方又再次确立新的战斗方案,去 …


1.No one blame you for your faults, but you even have no guts to face up to your question and correct!没有人会责备你,但是你甚至没有勇气去面对,去改正你的错误!

2.Swapping out the guts of a Rolex for a quartz movement might improve its accuracy a bit, but destroy the brand's luxury image.把劳力士的表芯换成石英驱动的可能让它的准确度提高一点点,但毁掉了这个而品牌的奢侈品形象。

3.It looks pke the iconic iMac, with the guts of the computer buried in a screen that rests on an elegant metal stand.它看起来就像经典的iMac机,优雅的金属架支撑着显示屏,主机与显示屏融为一体。

4.If you're the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time pfe pushes you.如果你是那种没有毅力的人,你将放弃生活对你的每一次推动。

5.As we watch and experience this horrific disaster, it increasingly seems to me that wits and guts are very much what it is all about.在我们亲眼目睹、亲身经历这场可怕灾难的过程中,我日益清楚地认识到,这基本上就是一个关于智慧和勇气的问题。

6.I'm such a wimp that if I downed as much booze as he does, I'd be barfing my guts up nonstop.我真没用(或,我真窝囊)。如果灌进去和他一样多的酒,我恐怕肠子都要吐出来了。

7.lt's actually amazing how much he hates your guts.真有趣他那么讨厌你的勇气

8."She's just not that type of person where she's going to spill her guts about intimate stuff for the whole country to see, " he said.“她并不是那种要把非常隐私的东西抖落给整个国家看的人”,他说。

9.Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your pfe, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?五十年后,当你回望今生,你想后悔没胆上这辆车吗?

10.I'm afraid I don't have the guts to go up to the boss and tell him what I ought to.我想我没有胆量去找老板并告诉他我该说的话。