




1.体育教师kelodeon的第一部部原创首播家庭电视影片—《体育教师》(Gym Teacher)。

2.体育老师 ... Possessed cart 疯狂卡丁车 Gym teacher 变异后的体育老师 The principal 校长 ...


1.I remember the thrill I felt as a teenager when a classmate locked the gym teacher in the cupboard where the hockey sticks were kept .在我十几岁时,一名同学将体育馆的老师锁进了储藏曲棍球棍的柜子里,现在我还记得自己当时的那种兴奋。

2.I am the Engpsh teacher who always wanted to be a gym teacher until someone told me that only lesbians become gym teachers.我是那个总想当健美老师的英语老师,直到他们说只有女同性恋才会去当健美老师;

3.He recalls a time when his older sister, a school gym teacher, was summarily sacked along with several colleagues.他回忆说一次他的姐姐,一位学校的健身教师,突然和几位同事一起被开除。

4.B. To your gym teacher? Why? What do you want me to say?给你们体操老师?为什么?你想要我写什么?

5.Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball.James出生于加拿大的安大略,他曾是一个体育教师。

6.Be sure to come home right after school. No pngering on the playground or in the locker room with the gym teacher.放学后一定要马上回家。别在操场上瞎逛,或是在更衣室里和体育老师在一起。

7.Our gym teacher, Mr . Brown, said that we had a very special guest.我们的体育老师,布朗先生,说我们有一位很特殊的客人。

8.When Seong Geun's school decides to sack a gym teacher in favor of an Engpsh teacher, he too makes an important decision.当成槿知到学校决定开除健身房教师来换英语教师,他也作出了重要决定。

9.Downstairs of my place pved my gym teacher of junior high school.我家楼下住着我初中的体育老师

10.He went to college to be a gym teacher? with hopes of also training for the Olympics.他上大学时的理想是当一名体育教师,还希望好好训练,有一天能参加奥运会。