


美式发音: [ˈeɪtʃ ˌwʌn ˌen ˈwʌn] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]hemagglutinin type 1 and neuraminidase type 1, an influenza virus, one of the main causes of flu in humans.

1.阿楚一安一不定要把你抓进医院去隔离呢!哎,该不会是真的患上了阿楚一安一H1N1)了吧……喂,别走呀,先把这药吃了。”哼,老 …


1.This week's discovery is, in part, just another piece of the scientific puzzle in trying to understand the new H1N1 flu's history.本周的发现是试图理解新H1N1流感病毒历史这一科学谜题的又一块拼图。

2.He said the resistance of the H1N1 virus to oseltamivir was as high as 98 percent worldwide.他提到,在全球层次上,H1N1病毒对药物奥司他韦的抗性高达98%。

3.The ELINOR test has not, however, been used to diagnose A(H1N1), as Melo's team says it has been unable to access virus samples.然而,ELINOR测试尚未被用于诊断甲型H1N1流感,Melo的研究组说他们无法获取病毒样本。

4.He said the safety and efficacy of all swine-flu vaccines will be closely monitored by regulators, doctors and scientists around the world.他说,所有甲型H1N1流感疫苗的安全性和有效性都将受到世界各国监管机构、医生和科学家的密切观察。

5.As you know, this provision and this decision were in place prior to the onset of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.你们知道,在2009年H1N1流感大流行开始之前就已作出这一规定和这一决定。

6.The virus will now basically duke it out with ordinary flu, to see who spreads fastest.现在H1N1病毒会跟一般流感进行比拼,看谁传播的速度最快。

7."Local health departments should organize vulnerable groups for inoculation when A(H1N1) flu vaccination regulations are issued, " he said.“接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗的条例发出后,各地卫生部门应组织弱势群体参加疫苗接种,”他说。

8.Similarly, there was no significant difference in the rates of H1N1 influenza, or swine flu, between the two groups.与此相似,在H1N1,也就是猪流感的传播病例中,两组护士也没有显著性差异。

9.It was the first death in New York City, where many of the U. S. cases have been reported but with mostly mild symptoms.这是纽约城的首个因感染H1N1流感病毒而死亡的案例,尽管之前已有许多的病例报告,但是大多数都只有轻微的症状。

10.There's been plenty of speculation about whether or not the H1N1 vaccine could pose health threats or other side effects.H1N1疫苗是否有健康威胁或是其它副作用大都是推测性的。