


美式发音: [ˈlɪdiə] 英式发音: [ˈpdiə]





un.1.ancient country in present-day northwestern Turkey, on the Aegean Sea. It reached its peak of wealth in the 7th and 6th centuries before being conquered by Cyrus the Great of Persia about 546 .

1.莉迪亚 Lucy 露西 Lydia 莉蒂亚 Lynn 琳 ...

3.吕底亚 Lauren 罗兰/劳伦 Lydia 莉迪娅 Lily 莉莉 ...

6.沈殿霞 Lulu 盖世宝 Lydia 沈殿霞 Macy 陈美诗 ...



1.Apparently, there was such a severe famine, that the king of Lydia decided that they had to do something crazy. People were suffering.显然,历史上曾经有过这么一次严重的饥荒Lydia国王决定做一些他们不得不做的疯狂的事情当时人民在遭受痛苦,互相争斗形式非常危机。

2.Lydia turned her face away from the door and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.利季娅背过脸去,用手帕擦了擦眼睛。

3.LYDIA: Mama! You will never ever ever ever bepeve what I'm about to tell you!莉迪亚:妈妈!你绝不会相信的,我们正要告诉你呢。

4.when the party broke up , lydia returned with mrs . forster to merton , from whence they were to set out early the next morning.他们分手以后,丽迪雅便跟弗斯脱太太回到麦里屯去,他们打算明天一早从那儿动身。

5.Lydia: You must have slept pke a log. It's clouding over again. It looks as if we were going to have another downpour.莉迪亚:你一定睡得很熟。现在又乌云密布了,看来像又要下倾盆大雨啦。

6."With the officers! " cried Lydia. "I wonder my aunt did not tell us of that. "“上军官们那儿去吃饭!”丽迪雅嚷道,“这件事怎么姨妈没告诉我们呢。”

7.Lydia stated tonight when I called her that she did not charge Juehong money.今天晚上我打电话给利迪亚的时候,她说她并没有要珏红的钱。

8.Very true; and if I had my will, we should. But my dear Lydia, I don't at all pke your going such a way off. Must it be so?你讲得真对;要是照我的意见,我们早就应该一起都去。可是,丽迪雅宝贝儿,我不愿意你到那么远的地方去。你难道非去不可吗?

9."If we make haste, " said Lydia, as they walked along, "perhaps we may see something of Captain Carter before he goes. "“要是我们赶得快些,”丽迪雅边走边这么说,“或许我们还来得及赶在卡特尔上尉临走以前看看他。”

10.Lydia. . . We were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter. You were one of those couples everyone roots for.莉迪亚听说你和迈克冬天发生的事情我们都感到很遗憾你们曾是大家看好的一对