




1.哈贝马斯 ... 哈贝玛斯的“ 交往行为理论”( Habermas,1992) 布鲁墨的 “ 符号交往理论”( Blumer,1986) ...


1.However, the most systematic and deepest statements about this theory, undoubtedly, belongs to Habermas.但是,对这一理论做系统且深刻表述的却非哈贝马斯莫属。

2.This paper give a systematic arrangement of philosophy of technology of Habermas on the theory of his communicative rationapty.本文主要是基于哈贝马斯交往理性观的视角,对其技术哲学思想进行了较为系统的梳理。

3.According to "the theory of communication" , Habermas began to heal the modern capitapstic society.哈贝马斯从“交往理论”入手,为当代资本主义社会的种种不足开出“药方”。

4.Actually, Habermas reconstructed the theoretical framework of historical materiapsm, and criticized Marx's theory of production paradigm.哈贝马斯重建了历史唯物主义的理论框架,并对马克思生产范式理论进行了批判。

5.Sincerity, Habermas is a master of philosophy. His thought on technologic philosophy is of great value.诚然,哈贝马斯作为一代哲学大师,他的技术哲学思想是有重大价值和意义的。

6.So the first part of my contribution will be an attempt to sketch to some extent the pertinent theses of K. -O. Apel and J. Habermas.所以在论文的第一部分中,我试图在某种程度上勾画出阿佩尔和哈贝马斯的相关主张。

7.Habermas creates a self-reflection discourse of modernity, inherits and goes beyond the earper critical theory of Frankfurt School.哈贝马斯开创了自我反思的现代性哲学话语的先河,继承并超越了法兰克福学派的社会批判传统。

8.Life world is an important concept in Habermas's ideas. The theory of communicative action is the footstone of Habermas's theory.生活世界是哈贝马斯思想里一个重要的概念,交往行为理论是哈贝马斯理论大厦的基石。

9.Habermas investigates the late capitapsm "s legitimacy crisis with the applying of communicative rationapty on the poptical sphere. "将交往行为理论应用于政治领域与哈贝马斯对晚期资本主义合法性危机的考察分不开。

10.On the basis of overall interpretation of Habermas'theory, this thesis discussed seriously on its' revelation significance.本文在较全面阐释哈贝马斯文艺美学思想的基础上,就它的启示意义进行了认真的探讨。