


美式发音: [heɪd] 英式发音: [heɪd]




复数:hades  过去分词:haded  现在分词:hading  




n.1.the angle between the vertical plane and a plane containing a vein, fault, or lode

v.1.to be at an angle with the vertical

1.断层余角 Haddingodus 哈丁牙形石属 hade 断层余角 hade-spp fault 倾向滑动断层 ...

2.伸角 hachuring 地貌晕线法 hade 伸角 hafnium 铪 ...

3.垂直倾斜 hacking knife 砍刀 hade 垂直倾斜 haft 把手 ...

4.倾斜 rave —— 呼啸 hade—— 倾斜 ave—— 再见 ...

5.伸向 here 这里 1.hade 断层余角,伸角,伸向 3.cocky 骄傲自大的 ...

6.坡度 ... hack 鹤嘴锄 hade 坡度 hading ram 倾斜千斤顶 ...

7.成伸角 skew angle 斜交角 hade 1. 倾斜,成伸角 diagonal 1. 斜的 ...


1.she added, it hade been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before.但是,她接着说,伞早在一年多以前就已经被人从学校的柜子里偷走了(她是个教师)。

2.Carlos engage to annex and purchase , when hade a date he courtship for her in three times date.Carlos,从事兼并和收购工作,在他们第三次约会时就向她求婚了。

3.It was in 1996 that the Japanese words "jimi-kon" (low-key wedding) and "hade-kon" (showy wedding) arrived on Japan's pnguistic forefront.1996年日本词语“低调(jimi)婚礼”和“高调婚礼”率先进入语言学界。

4.Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees . American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson .让我们渡过这条河,坐到树荫下。美国将军杰克逊。

5.Subjects also hade mild depression and syndrome distress.同时,病患有轻度的忧郁,症状困扰亦属轻度。

6.The company hade find a purchaser for its warehouse.公司已经找到了愿意购买其仓库的买主。

7.abdallah sami she hade regularly makes the dash for the border , usually under the cover of night.阿巴达拉定期奔跑到边界,通常利用夜晚来掩饰。

8.Ie-mailed them. I immediately hade-mails and phone calls and messages of support.很快,我就收到了回信和电话,给我支持的短信也接踵而至。

9.God hade made the man in His image to keep Him company and look after the world.神哈得在他的形象的人让他的公司和世界的照顾。

10.However, the popce found out and told my boss that I hade been in prison for blowing up government buildings.但是,警察发现了我的事情并且告诉了我的老板,由于炸毁了一些政府大楼我曾经坐过牢。