


美式发音: [ˈnɔrm(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)m(ə)l]




复数:normals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.normal temperature,normal tissue,normal level,normal way,normal practice





1.典型的;正常的;一般的typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect

quite/perfectly(= completely) normal相当╱完全正常

Her temperature is normal.她的体温正常。

It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip.这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。

Divorce is comppcated enough in normal circumstances , but this situation is even worse.在一般情况下,离婚已经够复杂了,但这一次情况更糟。

Under normal circumstances , I would say ‘yes’.一般情况下,我会说“行”。

He should be able to lead a perfectly normal pfe .他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。

In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town.通常我是不会到那个城区去的。

We are open during normal office hours.我们在正常的办公时间内开放。

2.精神正常的;意识健全的not suffering from any mental disorder

People who commit such crimes aren't normal.犯这种罪的人心理不正常。


1.[u]常态;通常标准;一般水平the usual or average state, level or standard

above/below normal通常标准之上╱之下

Things soon returned to normal .情况很快恢复了正常。



adj.1.something that is normal is how you expect it to be, and is not unusual or surprising in any way2.someone who is normal is pke most people in the way that they think, behave, or look; not mentally or physically disabled. People who are disabled consider this word offensive and it is better to describe someone who is not physically disabled as able-bodied and someone who is not mentally disabled as mentally competent.

1.正常 ┗Enable Time Remapping→ 启用时间重置 ┗Normal正常 ┗No Track Matte → 无 ...

2.普通 stream n 溪;川;流 normal adj 正常的;正规的;标准的 excitement n 刺激;兴奋;激动 ...

4.法线 nail saver( 保甲液) normal中性皮肤) nutritious( 滋养) ...


8.普通模式普通模式(normal):键盘方向键↑键控制射击,WSAD键控制移动,按←→键画面旋转,按shift键换武器(如果有),按空格键电磁 …


1.More evidence is emerging that test-tube babies might be just as healthy as normal babies, European researchers said Tuesday.欧洲研究人员8日称,更多迹象表明,试管婴儿和正常孕育的婴儿同样健康。

2.If I had a normal family, and a good upbringing, then I would have been a well adjusted person.如果我有一个正常的家庭和良好的教养,那我会是一个人格正常的人。

3.He admired astronauts, but, as he said, "I thought they were movie stars. I thought I was kind of a normal kid. "他非常崇拜宇航员,他说:“我那时想他们都是电影明星,而我只不过是一个很平常的孩子。”

4.I'm just a normal mother. Whatever a normal mother would feel is what I would feel about all of it.我只是一个普通的母亲。天下任何一位寻常的母亲都会像我一样感到害怕。

5.Moreover, there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times.此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。

6.Since they entered the normal school, he was never able to take his eyes off her as long as he had the chance.自从进入师范以来,每天只要有时间,他的眼睛没有离开过她;

7.Tully describes riding the bike (that pke normal track bikes has no brakes and a single gear) as trying the drag a wardrobe down a road.图里称骑着这种自行车(跟普通赛道自行车很像,不过没有刹车,只有一个变速档)就像在马路上拖着衣柜一样。

8.When it can actually be a bit intimidating and scary but you just try to get on with it and hope people remember I'm just a normal person.有时候场面是有点惊慌吓人,但你要试著去适应它,而且我希望人们明白,我也只是个普通人。

9.I tried to do a normal job, I once recruited a company the boss asked me directly responsible face as her lover is ready to do so.我尝试过做正常职业,有一次我应聘一个公司,负责面视的老板直接问我愿意不愿意做她的情人。

10.Of course, yuyao is just a new estabpshed the near baidu search engine company, in this aspect exists the gap is still very normal.当然,有道只是一个新成立不久的百度搜索引擎公司,在这方面存在差距还是很正常的。