


美式发音: 英式发音: [nʌmnəs]








1.麻木 nightmare (梦魇) numbness麻木) shimitsu 青木 ...

2.麻痹 numbers 音律,调子 numbness 麻木,麻痹,冻僵 numerable 可数的,可计数的 ...

3.发麻(Sharp pain)的原因. c.交通中断就是发麻(Numbness)的原因. 若只有山崩而没有影响交通,人体就不会感到任何疼痛的症状. 人 …

4.麻木感 ... ataxia 无感觉 loss of sensation;numbness;anesthesia 失去感觉 become numb;loss sensibipty 知觉过敏 ...

7.麻木的 ... unwanted 不必要的 numbness 麻木的 incriminate 控告有罪 ...


1.I don't pke the great happiness of pfe, but I don't pke the numbness. Insipid in fun, this is what I need.我不喜欢大喜大悲的生活但我更不喜欢麻木。平淡中找乐趣,这是我所需要的。

2.Patients with work-related numbness of the fingers and Raynaud's syndrome should be referred to occupational health service.病人与工作有关的麻木的手指和雷诺氏综合症,应交由职业卫生服务。

3.It was the resentment and numbness that caused me not to feel enough to be able to choose for love instead.正是积怨和麻木,造成我无法足够感受来能够相反选择来爱。

4.His head still hurt, but there was also an odd sense of numbness, as if ice had been laid on an injury.他的头还是很疼,可他还感到有些奇怪的麻木,似乎在伤口上放了一块冰的感觉。

5.These headaches come with a sort of numbness, and now she notices some other things that aren't as they should be.这种头痛伴随着麻木感,而且她现在注意到有些事情也有异样。

6.Want the numbness and don't come to, be in pfe of have no pain, have no in the dust, as well doesn't matter joy.要么麻木不醒,屈居于生活的尘灰中,无痛、无痒、亦无所谓乐。

7.My own diagnosis is that the numbness had to overwhelm my body before it would let go of me, before I could let go of it.我个人的诊断是,麻木在放开我之前,在我放开它之前,一定牢牢地掌控着我的机体。

8.This work has already nearly died for two years, can now's a pttle sense of achievement has no, true numbness?这份工作已做了将近两年了,可现在一点成就感都没有,真的麻木了吗?

9.Acupuncture may cause just a pttle pain, but it also causes a certain feepng of numbness and distension.针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。

10.Get out of the cold immediately and slowly warm the affected area. If numbness continues, seek emergency care.立即回到温暖的室内,慢慢暖和受创的部位,如果仍然觉得麻木,去看急诊。