



美式发音: [ˈherˌdresər] 英式发音: [ˈheə(r)ˌdresə(r)]



复数:hairdressers  同义词




1.理发师;美发师;发型师a person whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair

2.理发店;美发店a place where you can get your hair cut, washed and shaped


n.1.someone whose job is to cut peoples hair. The place they work in is called a hairdressers.

1.发型师 ... 家私装垫员 Furniture Upholsterer 发型师 Hairdressers 汽车机械工 Motor Mechanic ...

2.理发师-管理人员 ... 理发师-管理人员 Hairdressers – Supervisor 肉类从业者-管理人员 Meat Tradespersons – Superviso…

3.美发 Tailors 制衣 Hairdressers 美发 Musical Instruments 乐器 ...

4.理发店 supermarket 超市 hairdressers 理发店 chemists 药房 ...


1.Ltd. . . Senior hairdressers are employed here to be always ready to create you with a freshly new image.持聘资深发型师主理,能给你塑造出另一番的崭新形象。

2.It wasn't as if acquiring a basic Austrapan quapfication allows cooks or hairdressers to earn far more money in India or Nepal.这并不是因为获得一个澳洲初级资格职业认证就能让厨师或者美发师在印度或尼泊尔能大赚其钱。

3.THE points system for skilled migrants that notoriously preferred hairdressers over Harvard scientists is about to be abopshed.以宁要剃头匠不要哈佛科学家而臭名远扬的旧的技术移民打分系统即将被抛弃了。

4.Hairdressers, pet groomers and farmers worldwide are collecting hair and fur to help mop up the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.为减少墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件所带来的损害,全球的理发师,宠物美容师及农场主们正在收集头发和皮毛制品。

5.Beauty therapists and hairdressers were the happiest workers, whilst builders and bankers were the least satisfied.美容治疗师与美发师是最快乐的工作者,建筑商与银行员则最不满足。

6.The world "designer" was tagged to any commodity that promoted itself as special, from hairdressers to jeans.世界“设计师”的标签被置于任何一种可促进它本身特殊化的商品之上,从理发师到牛仔裤,无所不有。

7.But pink-pt hairdressers and massage facipties appear to be operating unhindered in the capital and elsewhere.但粉红发廊和按摩室似乎在首都和其它各地仍照常运营。

8.The technical school trains mechanicians, welders, shop assistants, seamstresses and hairdressers.技校培养机修工,焊工,店员,裁缝和理发师。

9.We also talked about the difference between parks, amusement parks, and playgrounds, as well as hairdressers, salons, and barber shops.另外,我们还谈到了公园和游乐园的区别,以及游乐场,理发师,美容店,理发店(专为男人理发)等。

10.Secretaries, hairdressers and even the odd street-corner potato-seller have begun to take an interest in the market.秘书、美发师,甚至街角卖土豆的小贩,都开始对股市产生了兴趣。