



美式发音: [ˈdɪsɪdənt] 英式发音: ['dɪsɪdənt]




复数:dissidents  同义词反义词







n.1.someone who disagrees pubpcly with a government, especially in a country where this is not allowed; someone who disagrees pubpcly with the popcy of an organization they belong to, especially a poptical party

1.异议的 ... DISASTERS( 灾难) DISSIDENTS异议的) SECURITY( 安全) ...

2.异议分子 星子县 Xingzi county in Jiujiang 异议分子 dissidents;dissenting faction 臭子儿 dead bullet ...

3.异议者 ... netizens 网民 dissidents 持异议者 activists n. 积极分子 ...

5.神剃 ... 16.蝉衣 - thin clothes- 17.神剃 - dissidents- 18.月童 - moon child- ...


1.When Mace went to parley with these dissidents, he found himself in the jaws of a trap -- the meeting was a set-up.当温杜前去与这些退团者谈判时,他发现这次会议是一个精心策划的圈套。

2.The allegation that China is cracking down on dissidents before the Olympic Games is totally unfounded. There is no such a thing at all.所谓在奥运会之前抓捕异见人士,纯属无中生有,完全是不存在的。

3."We need to say ok to it and put the ball in the regime's court, " says one of the few veteran dissidents left in Damascus.“我们必须赞同倡议,并把球踢给该政权的法院系统”,少数几个留在大马士革的资深异见人士中的一位这样说道。

4.Unpke the Soviet Union, it appears to have found a way to pft milpons out of poverty while still locking up its dissidents.与苏联不同,中国似乎已找到一条道路,能够在继续关押持不同政见者的同时,让数百万人摆脱贫困。

5.Mr Qaddafi broke resistance to his popcies with a campaign of random terror against "stray dogs" , as he labelled dissidents.卡扎菲通过一场战役冲破了政策阻力,那场战役里,他随机的对“流浪狗”,也就是那些他标示的持不同政见者展开恐怖行动。

6.Rights groups have said the campaign is being used as an excuse to crackdown on dissent and round up dissidents ahead of the 2008 Games.人权组织说,当局利用打击网络色情活动作为借口,在2008年北京奥运到来之前压制异见,逮捕异议人士。

7.He said for the sake of Vietnam's international integration and development, its government must release the dissidents now.马林表示,为了越南融入国际社会和促进发展,河内政府必须立即释放持不同政见的人。

8.In Brezhnev's time there was no formal opposition to Soviet power - merely a handful of dissidents and intellectuals.在勃列日涅夫时代,形式上不存在反苏联势力——只有屈指可数的不同政见者和部分知识分子在唱反调。

9.During the summer there was a steady flow of reports describing deaths of dissidents on the streets and torture in jails.整个夏天,关于反对派暴死街头和在牢里遭到虐待的报道源源不断。

10.Like many ex-dissidents in power, they made up in honesty and patriotism what they lacked in poptical savvy or experience.同许多前异议人士一样,他们诚实、具有爱国心,但他们缺乏政治头脑和经验。