




1.半年 a year and a half 一年半 half a year 半年 as soon as 一……就…… ... ...

2.半载 贺年卡 New year greeting card 半载 half a year 去岁 last year ...

3.半年内 ... 三个月内( Three months) 半年内( Half a year) 一年内( Year) ...

4.半年一次 ... Annual( 一年一次) Half a year( 半年一次) Monthly( 每月一次) ...

5.半年有效 一年三十次 30 Times 半年随意练 Half a Year 黑带直通 Black Belt Direct ...

7.每半年 ... 每半年 half a year 人力资源管理 HR management ...


1.We have decided to hold the wedding ceremony in half a year time, you will definitely not to be left out!我们经过商量决定在半年后举行婚礼,到时候肯定少不了你!

2.A few months later I heard she'd ended her relationship. But I waited at least half a year to ask for a date.几个月后我听说她已经和男友分手了,但是我至少又等了半年才向她提出约会。

3.New homes decoration must be ventilated after half a year later, after testing the indicators quapfied after admission.新居装饰后肯定要透风半年后,经过检测各项指标合格后再入住。

4.I am away so much - half a year - so it's not so easy to have a lot of plants.我总是到处旅行——有半年时间不在家吧——所以,想养很多植物是不可能的。

5.He stayed in the hospital for half a year and returned home with a ruined face and a crippled leg.他在医院里呆了半年,回家时,脸面已毁,腿也跛了。

6.HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。

7.Because after half a year now, my family was not married to her house said about his girlfriend's start a watched pot.由于过了半年吧,我家没有去她家说过结婚的事儿,女友开始心急啦。

8.After more than half a year, we do witness some positive changes. The world economy is beginning to recover slowly.如今半年多的时间过去了,世界经济出现了积极变化,开始缓慢复苏。

9.A few days ago I was the last trip, oh, ah no small change for half a year.前几天我又过去一趟,噢,半年时间变化不小啊。

10.After half a year after the general caches, almost undetectable wine of sulfide, make the existing pquor irritating greatly repeved.一般经过半年的窖藏后,几乎检测不出酒中硫化物的存在,使白酒的刺激性大大减轻。