




1.哈密地区 tulufan 吐鲁番地区 hami 哈密地区 changjihuizu 昌吉回族自治州 ...

2.新疆和田 ZWFY 新疆哈密 HAMI 新疆和田 HETIAN 新疆喀纳斯(布尔津) ...

3.汉密尔顿抑郁量表 Adviser 财务顾问杂志 Hami 书城 TVBS 周刊 ...

5.博尔塔拉 http://www.daya.so/changji/ 哈密 http://www.daya.so/hami/ 博尔塔拉 http://www.daya.so/bekl/ 阿勒泰 ...

6.个人云 ... 1oz 等於几克 hami 个人云 mont+blanc 皮夹目录 ...

7.呛呛 Gmin 熊熊弟弟 hami 呛呛 william Pei✿沛 ...

8.月读包 ... Hami 书城 Hami 月读包 HITACHI 日立 ...


1.In addition, the Xinjiang region affected by a strong cold front, Korla, Hami, such as the airport and the wind blowing weather.此外,新疆地区受较强冷锋影响,库尔勒、哈密等机场有大风和扬沙天气。

2.For Turpan-Hami oil high solidifying point, in the Shan-Lan main transport process, pour point depressant was used to deal with dewaxing.针对吐哈原油凝点高的特点,在鄯-兰干线运输过程中,对其采用加降凝剂降凝处理。

3.As the head of the Guangdong Support Team in Hami, he is now the Secretary of the CPC Hami city committee.作为广东支援队在哈密的领导,他现在已经成为了哈密市委书记。

4.This line of 220kV is the only transmission line between Hami electric grid and main Xinjiang electric grid.千伏楼哈线是哈密电网与新疆主网之间唯一的联络线。

5.The Bogda Mountain, with Junggar basin on the north and Turpan-Hami basin on the south, is a part of the East Tianshan Mountains.博格达造山带位于准噶尔和吐鲁番-哈密两个前寒武纪地块之间,是晚古生代的大陆裂谷。

6.apple and hami melon seed, to skin, to cut into the size of the square piece with fish, starch move into mushy.苹果与哈密瓜去籽、去皮,切成同鱼肉大小的方形片,淀粉调成糊状。

7.Turpan-Hami (Tuba) basin is deemed to be a typical coal-formed oil basin.吐哈盆地被认为是典型的煤成油盆地。

8.Hami melon is good in taste and rich in nutrition, and has high curative value as well.哈密瓜不但味道香甜,而且营养丰富,并且还有很高的药用价值。

9.hotan jade , hanke horse , turpan grape , korla fragrant pear , hami melon , treasured things and unprecedented wonder.和田玉汗血马吐鲁番的葡萄库尔勒的香梨哈密的瓜,物华天宝,旷世称奇。

10.The historical famous city, Hami has become the only artery to Xinjiang from east.历史名城哈密成为今天由东进入新疆所必经的咽喉要道。