


美式发音: 英式发音: ['teɪliːz]





n.1.The plural of tale

1.传说系列 <A Forest Hymn 森林赋> <Tales 故事集> <The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古屋的 …

3.候补陪审员召集令 ... hydroelectric adj. 水力电气的 22. tales n. [律]候补陪审员召集令 27. presiding adj. 主持会议的, 指挥的 29. ...

4.神话 ... 《Rock And Grooves 歌舞升平》 《Tales 神话》 《Dreyfus Night In Paris 巴黎卓福 …

5.勇气传说 真实战争2:北方十字军( Real Warfare 英雄连:勇气传说( Company of Heroes:Tales 帝国:全面战争( Empire Total War Sp…

6.探戈林故事 ... 《IN_A_GERMAN_PENSION 在一家德国养老院》2012-05-26 《TANGLEWOOD_TALES 探戈林故


1.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales .他看上去好象刚从我的童话故事书中走出来。

2.Still, the lack of respect shown by his classmates did not hinder mike from persisting with telling his woeful tales.但是,他的同学对他不够尊重这个事实并没有阻止迈克坚持讲他悲哀的故事。

3.As is often the case with demonic tales, both versions were most likely true at some point.就像那些带有恶魔的故事一样,这些版本的故事在某种意义上确实是真实的。

4.You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord!你可以把我的话转告给那些在背后议论我的人,可以把关于我叛变的不实之词汇报给黑魔王!

5.To some degree, many live out these stories, largely unaware of how much the old tales may be shaping our lives.在某种程度上,很多人会按着这些故事的发展轨迹来生活,却没有意识到这些源远流长的故事可能对我们人生的塑造起着如此大的作用。

6.A system ended in the year of her birth that she knows only from school and from her parents' tales.斯托兹纳只是历史,一种从她出生起就终结了的社会制度,她只是从学校里和父母讲的故事中知道一些端倪。

7.Tales of false defectors were never very welcome to a man of his solidity .像他这样坚强的人,从来就不爱听假叛逃者的谎话。

8.Elegant Bone and Clear Appearance: On the Beauty of Body of the Time of "A New Account of World Tales"秀骨清相:“世说新语时代”的人物之美

9.It was nasty of you to go round telling tales you know weren't true.你明明知道并无其事,却要到处乱说,你这个人真不知好歹。

10.It seems that many of the weird space launch tales involve some sort of hapless animal. This one is no different.很多航天发射的怪异事件里都有倒霉动物的身影,这次也不例外。