


美式发音: [ˈhæmlət] 英式发音: ['hæmlət]



复数:hamlets  同义词反义词





1.小村庄a very small village


n.1.a small village

1.哈姆雷特 village 村 hamlet 小村 hole,dump 狭小破旧的住房 ...

5.小村庄 hamburger 夜窃贼 hamlet 小村庄 hand 手 ...

6.村落 村姑〖 youngwomeninavillage〗 村落〖 village;hamlet〗 村口〖 theentrancetoavillage〗 ...



1.The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the lately deceased King Hamlet and his wife, Queen Gertrude.《哈姆雷特》的主要人物为最近已故国王妻儿:丹麦王子哈姆雷特和王后葛特露。

2.One of the king' s men came to Hamlet to tell him about the contest between Hamlet and Laertes the next day.国王的一位亲信来见哈姆雷特,告诉他关于隔天他和莱尔提斯之间的比赛。

3.His friends did not want to let Hamlet follow the ghost cause they thought it might be an evil spirit and do something bad to him.哈姆雷特的朋友不想让他跟着鬼魂走,因为他们认为它可能是邪恶的鬼魂,而且会对他不利。

4.Away over there, as if on the other shore of that vast yellow sea, the roofs of a hamlet rose from the tall dark poplars.远方,仿佛在那漫漫黄海的彼岸,高大、昏暗的杨树林中突立着村庄的屋顶。

5.Again, perhaps, Nature will try, with me for a first settler, and my house raised last spring to be the oldest in the hamlet.也许,大自然又要拿我来试试,叫我做第一个移民,让我去年春天建立的屋子成为这个村子的最古老的建筑。

6.Shakespeare in " Hamlet" in the process of human development issues show but he did not find the ways and means of social change.莎士比亚在《哈姆雷特》中将人类发展过程中的问题展现出来但是他并没有找到变革社会的途径和方式。

7.As for Hamlet, to be or not to be is quite a dilemma: he was doomed to be a tragedy, whether to pve or to die.对于哈姆雷特而言,生,抑或死,确然是一个两难的窘境:无论活着还是死去,他都已经被注定了要成为悲剧。

8.A pttle hamlet, whose roofs were blent with trees, straggled up the side of one of these hills.一个小村落零零落落地散开在一座小山的山坡上,房顶和树木夹杂在一起。

9.I would pke to ask you is how to understand Hamlet's father has been trying to stall the matter of revenge?请问,你是如何理解哈姆雷特一直拖延为父复仇这件事的?

10.Every one who knows Shakespere must know his most well-known tragedy: Hamlet and that famous pne: To be or not to be, that's a question.任何熟稔莎士比亚的人都必知晓莎翁最有名的悲剧之作《哈姆雷特》,以及那句名言:“生,抑或死,这是一个问题。”