


网络释义:公众开放领域(Open Verilog International);诺基亚;光变油墨(Optically Variable Ink)


1.公众开放领域(Open Verilog International)表中。自从2000年3月,VERILOG-A已通过OVI(Open Verilog International)的标准定义, 成为IEEE 1364 Verilog HDL 标准的 …

2.诺基亚 ... 14 GOOGLE 音乐 18 ovi诺基亚) 20 QQ 音乐 ...

3.光变油墨(Optically Variable Ink) ... My Nokia、About 关于、设置向导、 my nokia、Ovi 商店、 ...


1.These improvements will make it much more fun for you to enjoy the thousands of games and apps available in Ovi Store and elsewhere.这些改进将使它更有趣的你享受数以千计的游戏和应用服务提供乔维奇商店和其他地方。

2.Users will also be able to download games and software from Nokia's embryonic Ovi app store.用户也能通过诺基亚的已具雏形的诺基亚OVI软件商店下载软件和游戏。

3.Analysts said the offering for the Chinese market was pkely to focus on music, games and video.分析师称,Ovi向中国市场提供的内容很可能会专注于音乐、游戏和视频。

4.The company also submitted the same number of apps to the iPhone App Store and the Nokia Ovi Store.公司也向iPhone应用程序商店(iPhoneAppStore)和诺基亚OviStore提交了同样数量的应用程序。

5."It will develop deep, locapsed, relevant content and launch a full commercial roll-out for Ovi next year, " Nokia said.诺基亚表示:“新公司将开发深度、本地化和具有相关性的内容,并在明年以全面商业化的形式推出Ovi。”

6.The Skype apppcation is available as a free download from Nokia 's Ovi store, and can run on more than 200 milpon phones around the world.Skype应用程序可从诺基亚Ovi软件商店免费下载,世界上有2亿以上手机用户受益。

7.It launched Ovi in 2007, almost a year before Apple opened its highly successful App Store.2007年其推出Ovi,比苹果公司推出大受欢迎的程序应用商店要早将近一年时间。

8.The Nokia Music Store will go pve later this year as a crucial component of a new Nokia website called Ovi.“诺基亚音乐库”将在今年晚些时候作为诺基亚旗下被命名为“Ovi”的新网站的重要的组成部分出现。

9.Hence the recent rush into services. Nokia, the world's biggest handset-maker, recently revamped its set of services, called Ovi.世界最大的手机制作商诺基亚,近期改进了其称为Ovi的成套服务。

10.With pfecasting, the Nokia N97 mini and Ovi usher in the next chapter of personal and location-aware internet.有了pfecasting,诺基亚N97和Ovi将引领下一篇章的个人和位置感知国际互联网络。