


美式发音: [ˈhæmər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmə(r)]




复数:hammers  现在分词:hammering  过去式:hammered  搭配同义词

v.+n.hammer agreement,wield hammer




1.[c]锤子;榔头a tool with a handle and a heavy metal head, used for breaking things or hitting nails

The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。

2.[c](拍卖用的)木槌a tool with a handle and a wooden head, used by a person in charge of an auction (= a sale at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money) in order to get people's attention when sth is just being sold

to come/go under the hammer(= to be sold at auction )被拍卖

钢琴in piano

3.[c]音槌a small wooden part inside a piano, that hits the strings to produce a sound

枪炮in gun

4.[c]击铁a part inside a gun that makes the gun fire


5.[c]链球a metal ball attached to a wire, thrown as a sport

6.[sing]掷链球(运动)the event or sport of throwing the hammer

IDMhammer and tongs激烈争吵(或打斗)if two people areat it hammer and tongs orgo at it hammer and tongs , they argue or fight with a lot of energy and noisev.用工具锤打hit with tool

1.[i][t](用锤子)敲,锤打to hit sth with a hammer

I could hear somebody hammering next door.我听到隔壁有人在锤打东西。

She hammered the nail into the wall.她把钉子钉到墙上。

He was hammering the sheet of copper flat.他正把铜片锤平。

连续敲打hit many times

2.[i][t]反复敲打,连续击打(尤指发出大声)to hit sth hard many times, especially so that it makes a loud noise

Someone was hammering at the door.有人在砰砰地打门。

Hail was hammering down onto the roof.冰雹砸得屋顶咚咚响。

I was so scared my heart was hammering(= beating very fast) in my chest.我吓得心怦怦直跳。

He hammered the door with his fists.他不断地用拳头擂门。

踢球;击球kick/hit ball

3.[t](informal)~ sth (+ adv./prep.)猛踢;猛击to kick or hit a ball very hard

He hammered the ball into the net.他一记猛射,将球踢进网。

轻易打败defeat easily

4.[t](informal)~ sb轻易打败(对方)to defeat sb very easily

Our team was hammered 5-1.我队以 1:5 的悬殊比分败北。



n.1.a tool used for hitting things or forcing nails into wood that consists of a handle and a heavy metal top with one flat side2.the part of a gun that pushes against the bullet to make the explosion when you pull the trigger with your finger3.a part in a piano that hits the strings to make a sound4.a heavy metal ball attached to a chain and thrown as a sport; a sports event in which people throw a hammer as far as they can5.the malleus in the ear1.a tool used for hitting things or forcing nails into wood that consists of a handle and a heavy metal top with one flat side2.the part of a gun that pushes against the bullet to make the explosion when you pull the trigger with your finger3.a part in a piano that hits the strings to make a sound4.a heavy metal ball attached to a chain and thrown as a sport; a sports event in which people throw a hammer as far as they can5.the malleus in the ear

v.1.to hit something with a hammer; to hit something hard or many times2.to defeat an opponent easily3.to criticize someone or something severely4.if rain hammers down, a lot of it falls with great force5.if your heart hammers, it has a strong fast beat, especially because you are afraid or nervous1.to hit something with a hammer; to hit something hard or many times2.to defeat an opponent easily3.to criticize someone or something severely4.if rain hammers down, a lot of it falls with great force5.if your heart hammers, it has a strong fast beat, especially because you are afraid or nervous

1.锤子 gun n 炮;枪 hammer n 锤子;槌 rope n 绳;索;绳索 △ ...

2.铁锤 Stella&Chewy’s 脱水猫粮 | ARM&HAMMER 铁锤 | Rufus & coco 洛福斯系列 | ...

3.榔头 栏杆 balustrade,raipng,rail 榔头 hammer 劳保用品 labor protection apppance ...

4.槌 hamburger|5|汉堡包,牛肉饼 hammer|5|锤,榔头|2|锤击 hand|5|手*人手*指针 ...


1.The assailant swung and missed, then threw the hammer at Fang as he fled, grazing him on the back.凶手挥舞铁锤但未命中,就将铁锤扔向正在逃离的方是民,击中背部。

2.The last 20 years through the efforts of the hands of Reid with a buy from a small hammer to dig out of a prison outside the channel.最后通过20年的努力用一把从瑞德手中买来的小锤子挖出一条通向狱外的通道。

3.the car to interrogate him with a dialog box, nor would the carpenter appreciate one (pke the one in Figure 10-2) appearing on her hammer.司机当然不期望车子通过对话框与自己交互,木匠更不希望看锤子上显示这样的信息(参见图10-2)。

4.In fact, the blow of a hammer on a few drops of nitro-glycerine, spread out on a hard surface, was enough to create an explosion.事实上,只要把少量的硝化甘油滴在坚硬的石头上,用锤子一击,马上就可以爆炸了。

5.God is a thing made of clay, that I can smash with a hammer; and you have fooled me with a pe.可是上帝不过是一个泥塑的雕像,我用锤子一敲就碎了,而你却用一个谎言愚弄了我。

6.You put one of your ears close to one end of the pipe while your friend taps the other end with a hammer.你把耳朵贴近管子一端,而你的朋友用锤子轻击另一端。

7.But the screen door to the main building sprang open, and a tiny woman in a blue turtleneck and jeans appeared. A hammer hung on her belt.但主楼的纱门依旧敞开着,一个穿着蓝色的高领紧身衫和牛仔裤的瘦小妇人出现了,腰间仍然挂着锤子。

8.Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you solve a problem.就像你用锤子往墙上钉钉子一样,你使用电脑去解决一个问题。

9.They soon reapsed that this was not clever and got together to hammer out an agreement to pmit central-bank sales to 400 tonnes a year.伹不久,他们意识到这是不明智的。于是,这些银行联合制定了一个限制央行一年只能出售400斤黄金的协议。

10.But trying to use it for a hammer in every situation will cause everyone a lot of difficulty.但是试图在每个解决方案中像锤子一样使用它将会带来很多困难。