




1.奥斯特曼特费尔得(Creedy & Whitfield),奥斯特门Osterman),马斯登(Marsden)等。

4.奥特曼She言:称其为先生Mr.的客户是把“奥特木(Autumn)”误读成“奥特曼Osterman)”。一音之别,性别变了,身份也变了,一 …


1."Say, " remarked Osterman, as the train pulled out of the Bonneville Station, and the two men settled themselves for the long journey.“嗨,”奥特曼说,这时火车开出了波思维尔车站,两人都坐定了,预备赶这段漫长的路。

2.It was almost a reproduction of the scene of the famous evening when Osterman had proposed the plan of the Ranchers'Railroad Commission.这场面简直跟那个不同凡响的夜晚的情景一模一样,那时候,奥斯特曼提议搞一个农庄主人的铁路专员委员会。

3.He seemed nearly ready to countenance Osterman's scheme.眼看他就要赞助奥斯特曼的计划啦。

4.Osterman found an excuse for going to bed.奥斯特曼找了个借口,也去睡了。

5.Osterman was yet apve and there were chances of his recovery .奥斯特曼还活着,还有复原的希望。

6.Osterman cut his wheat that summer before any of the other ranchers.那年夏天,奥斯特曼比所有别的农庄主人先收割小麦。

7.The first was to fight Bilpe "The Blue Bear" Osterman.第一个邀请是和“兰熊”比丽奥斯特曼。

8.Osterman called the roll, and, to fill in the time, read over the minutes of the previous meeting.奥斯特曼点好了名,为了消磨时间,把上一次开会的议事录宣读了一遍。

9."I understand Magnus all right, " put in Osterman.“我完全了解曼克奈斯的心意”奥斯特曼打岔道。

10.Osterman's flattering words and promise of a reward should, therefore, have been a pleasant surprise to Rostov;所以奥斯特曼一番赞扬的话和许诺给他奖赏,本应使罗斯托夫受宠若惊;