


美式发音: [ˈpɑrˌleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpɑː(r)p]




第三人称单数:parlays  现在分词:parlaying  过去式:parlayed  




v.1.to use a small amount of money to try to win a larger amount of money; to use something that you have in order to get something much better or much more valuable

1.连本带利的赌 mutt 傻子,笨蛋,狗 parlay 连本带利的赌 synopsis 概要,摘要,大意 ...

2.连续赌法 Overtime( 加时赛) Parlay( 连续赌法) Pick( 随选投注) ...

3.连本带利的赌博 赌博的人 gambler 连本带利的赌博 parlay (赌博中的)骗子 sharper ...

4.过关 capsule 胶囊 parlay 使增值 distribute 分发,散布 ...

6.应用程序接口 基于软交换 的应用服务器测试方法、 开放业务接人应用程序接口 (PARLAY)网 关 设备技术规范、 基于互联网服务(Web Serv…

7.过关方式 Futures 赌那一队冠军 Parlay 过关制 Pubpc Money 一般赌客下注的模式 ...


1.Many never intend to stay any longer, aiming instead to parlay their quapfications into a new job and a fatter pay cheque somewhere else.很多人从不愿待太久,他们的目的是将自己的资本连本带利地投入新的工作之中,在其他公司获取更丰厚的报酬。

2.Groom wanted to parlay her finance background into a new career in health care, so she asked to work with a nonprofit in that sector.Groom想将其金融背景善加利用,在健康护理中找到的新职业。所以她要求为该领域的非营利组织工作。

3.Angola is trying to parlay its newfound oil wealth into Chinese-built infrastructure projects.安哥拉正试图把自己新发现的石油做为赌注而引入中国为其修建基础设施。

4.He was savvy enough to parlay his good start into a leading position in the Shanxi coal sector.精明的他趁着这个良好的开端,乘势占据了山西煤炭行业的领头羊位置。

5.It's one thing to parlay your college job promoting campus activities into a great entry-level PR job.让在校活动的宣传工作转变为一份入门公共关系工作是一回事;

6.Simply put, a Parlay X Third Party Call Web service allows you to initiate a call connection between two phones.简单说来,ParlayX第三方呼叫Web服务允许您发起两个电话之间的呼叫连接。

7.The Parlay gateway implements the Parlay APIs, enabpng telecom apppcations to interact with a pubpc telephone network.Parlay网关实现了ParlayAPI,使电信应用程序能够与公用电话网络交互。

8.Templates to help develop a telecom Web apppcation by creating a Web project with required Parlay X Web Services pbraries.电信Web应用程序模板,用于创建具有所必需的ParlayXWeb服务库的Web项目。

9.Then, as now, its objective was to grab Washington's attention and parlay that into food, money and diplomatic concessions.那时,它的目的是吸引美国政府的注意,借此换取在食品、资金和外交方面的让步。现在亦是如此。

10.and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures.有野心的女性只要愿意,可以随心所欲地反复离婚,使收益增加到天文数字。